Ch. 1 A Vacation of Doom

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*P.O.V. Raven*

"I'm leaving for a while" a familiar voice said behind me.

We (Robin, Starfire, Cyborg and I) turned around to see Beast Boy, looking grim. Not a good sign.

"Mento just called, he wants to see me." He continued.

"Why?" Robin asked, frowning.

"You don't think-" I started.

"Na, it's probably just... a friendly chat? You know, a heart to heart talk." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than us.

"Yeah, because Mento's all about that kind of stuff." I said sarcastically. Beast Boy glared at me, I glared back.

"Why else would he want to talk to you? What's coming?" Robin wondered out loud, interrupting me and Beast Boy's stare down.

"And we need you here, those villains aren't catching themselves!" Cyborg added.

"Ummm.." Beast Boy scratched the back of his head, "just think of it as a... vacation. Yeah! A family vacation!"

"But friend Beast Boy, aren't we your family?" Starfire asked, looking confused.

"Yeah but uhh..." Beast Boy tried to come up with an answer, while still not hurting Starfire. He was trapped. "Ahh! They just want to see me! I'm just taking a break, a vacation!"

"A vacation of doom." I commented.

"Thank you for the sarcasm Rae, really appreciated." Beast Boy stated dryly.

"No problem" I replied with as much hate. "Now if you'd excuse me I'm going to my room" I stalked away. Away from my emotions. Running away, just as I always do. Cause with me, your greatest enemy isn't Slade, like Robin, it isn't Blackfire, like Starphire, or Brother Blood, for Cyborg, or a hamburger, what Beast Boy hates the most(of course). No, my greatest enemy, or enemies to be precise, are emotions. Love, fear, hate, attachment.

"But Beast Boy? What am I going to do without you?" A fake girly voice whined.

I gritted my teeth. And Terra, definitely Terra.

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