Ch. 5 RaeRae

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*P.O.V.* Beast Boy

I groaned as I woke up, confused and edgy. What the fuzz? I looked around and saw a single desk lamp, on a huge wooden desk. I was strapped to a table, which was tilted so it faced the desk. I couldn't see anything behind the desk, staying black even with the light.

"Hello Beast Boy." A voice said from behind the desk. "Are you comfortable?"

"Who are you? What do you want? And I'm strapped to a table. Is a table comfy?" I barked.

"The first question doesn't matter, neither does the second. As for the third, it could be much, much worse." He said. I strained forward, but the straps didn't budge.

"How does your name or what you want not matter!? If it isn't why the hell did you bring me here?!" I snapped.

"I don't want you, specifically, you are just a pawn in this game." He purred.

I gritted my teeth and said "Tell me who you are and what you want, so I can rip you to pieces!"

"Fine. If you insist..." The man drawled, amused, as he walked forward, and my jaw dropped as he came into view. Uh-oh.

"My name is Brother Blood. And I want the Teen Titans."

*P.O.V.* Raven

I paced around my room, getting anxious. It's been FOUR DAYS and there hasn't been any sign that Beast Boy is alive and well. I sat down heavily on my bed and started to meditate.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zin-"

I yelped and fell back on my bed. oh no no no no. I scrambled off the bed and ran to Robin's room, but instead of Robin, guess who I found.

"Terra." I said as I slowly walked forwards.

"Raven?! You scared me again!" She whipped around as she laughed nervously and looked behind her, at the computer.

"What are you doing." I growled.

"I'm doing an errand." She stated, happy that it was the truth.

"For who, cause it sure as hell isn't for Robin." I questioned as I slowly walked closer.

She looked behind her again, but this time looked at the wall to, then smiling she said sarcastically "Don't worry RaeRae, it's not for Robin" she held up a computer chip "it's for Slade. Toodloo!" At that moment she broke a huge hole in the wall with a boulder, jumped on it and started to fly away.

"Oh no you don't" I snarled, and chased her.

No one gets away with calling me RaeRae, especially not Terra.

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