Ch. 4 negative man and excuses

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*P.O.V. Beast Boy*

"We are now at Gotham City" A mechanical voice said through the speakers as the train came to a stop.

I gladly hopped out of my seat and started to the door. Then I saw a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned around, it was gone. I narrowed my eyes maybe Raven... No, I thought, shaking the idea out of my head. Raven, teleporting here to check on me? I wished. As I walked out the door I started looking for Negative Man. Weird, I thought, I would think Elasti-Girl would pick me up. I shrugged and started walking to a big plaza. Somewhere no one would see they said, for security/privacy purposes. I have no idea what that means but what the hell, I didn't understand a lot those days. I walked into a dark corner and waited. I saw something moving in the shadows.

"Negative Ma-" I started.

"Let's go." He muttered and we quickly teleported.

"Negative-" I tried again, but then everything went black.

*P.O.V. Raven*

"Shouldn't he back by now?" I asked Robin.

He looked at me, exasperated. "For God sakes Raven he's got another day! If you want to check on him just call him!"

I returned to my room, anxiety twisting my stomach. "Raven calling Beast Boy. Beast Boy do you hear me?"

I looked at the blank screen. Come on Beast Boy, I thought, answer me. I shut the communicator and laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling as thoughts whirled in my head. Suddenly I sensed something wrong, what was it? I went out of the room and floated down the hall. Right, left, right, straight. I stopped and turned to the right, and guess who I found. Terra. With a tense look on her face.

"I know." She whispered. "I'm trying okay?"

"Trying what." I asked eyes narrowed.

"Oh! R-Raven!" She jumped and stuttered. "You scared me!"

"Yeah," I said. "I get that a lot. What are you trying."

"Ummm... I'm trying to... Not miss Beast Boy!" She smiled cheekily.

I raised an eyebrow, not impressed.

"Uhh.. Got to go!" She yelped and ran away.

I narrowed my eyes as she left. Something's up, and I'm going to find out, no matter how Terra feels about it.

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