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so this book is about my clans of course and if you want your clan featured in this book then comment and tell me all the ranks in the comments!  ok am done with my author note!


Leader: Leafstar

Deputy: Hollyclaw

Med Cat: Firestep

Med cat app: Owlpaw

Warriors: Firewind, Applefoot, Firestripe, Whitelight, Liontail, Flamewind, Dapplefur, Icefang, Leafwind, Littletail, Rocktail, Redpelt, Pinefoot, Featherfrost, Darkpelt, Cloudspots, Palefur, Yellowtail, Brownpelt, Blackpool, Whitelight

Apps: Cloverpaw, Tawnypaw, Thislepaw, Owlpaw, Dapplepaw, Stonepaw, Applepaw

Queens: Vinetail, Featherwind

Kits: Oakkit, Brightkit, Silverkit and Lightkit - Vinetails's kits Rosekit, Lakekit, Goldkit, Amberkit and Windkit - Featherwind's kits

Elders: Bluefrost, Thunderstep, Rainfur

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