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Leader: Whitestar

Deputy: Gold-dust

Med cat: Willow-wind

Med cat App: Rabbitpaw

Warriors: Swiftfoot, Shadeheart, Littletail, Cloudfeather, Featherwhisker, Reedfeather, Whitepool, Berryfur, Tigershadow, Shadowfire, Firewillow, Lightpool, Icefang, Ratscar, Maplefur, Bluefrost, Hopelight, Dappleshine

Apps: Leafpaw, Wolfpaw, Hazlepaw, Ratpaw, Littlepaw, Dawnpaw

Queens: Icepelt, Tallfur, Dapplestripe

Kits: Dapplekit and Cloudkit - Icepelt's kits Vinekit, Spottedkit and Applekit - Tallfur's kits Stormkit, Whitekit and Black-kit - Dapplestripe's kits

Elders: Cloudstep, Brightfur and Dappleshine, Robbineye

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