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Leader: Stormstar

Deputy: Dusksky

Med cat: Dawnsky

Med cat App: Skypaw

Warriors: Littlestorm, Tinyclaw, Appledusk, Blackfeather, Stormpelt, Heathercloud, Spottedcloud, Darkheart, Yellowheart, Bramblecloud, Weaslestep, Wolf-fang, Ceaderclaw, Whitestep, Hopclaw, Sandwhisker, Applelight, Willowbird, Skyleap

Apps: Mousepaw, Whitepaw, Scarpaw, Dapplepaw, Treepaw, Sootpaw, Foxpaw

Queens: Sandtail and Flamefur

Kits: Molekit and Shadekit - Sandtails kits Applekit and Silverkit - Flamefurs kits

Elders: Swiftpool and Iceclaw, Ceaderlight

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