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Leader: Tawnystar

Deputy: Owlfeather

Med cat:  Owlclaw

Med cat App: Ravenpaw

Warriors: Ravenheart, Fearnpelt, Softheart, Whiteheart, Appleheart, Dapplefeather, Smokefur, Maplejaw, Honeyheart, Sweetheart, Weasleleap, Cloverleaf, Ripplefur, Iceheart, Snakefang, Blazesplash, Cherryfall, Brokenheart, Stormcloud, Brambleheart, Splash-heart, Darkfeather

Apps: Snakepaw, Stormpaw, Rabbitpaw, Ceaderpaw, Talonpaw, Firepaw, Sandpaw, Dustpaw, Bramblepaw, Maplepaw, Goldenpaw, Thornpaw, Featherpaw, Stonepaw, Rockpaw

Queens: Dapplelight and Cloudysky

kits: Mosskit, Honeykit, Palekit and Pidgeonkit - Dapplelight's kits Dawnkit, Dusk-kit, Blazekit and Pinekit - Cloudysky's kits

Elders: Pineheart, Badgerstripe and Patchsky

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