I'm Starting To Think. . .

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That the world

Isn't so darlin

As everyone says

Because I watched you

Cry in agony

Slash out in anger

Clip, Clip-

Went those scissors

On all the thick threads

That connected to the people-

That you were glued to

But that sticky friendship

Washed off

So when my line snapped

I still watched you.

You rotted

You were alone

People knocked on your door

Some were angry at you

And said bad

Then you were gone

People asked-

Where is she?

Nobody knew

That you fell

Because of one person

Because of a stupid

A very stupid mistake

And the causer tried to weave it back

All together

Tried to make her living

But then she turned into this



Then you cut yourself off

And we never saw you again

I still watch

For a breathe if life

Where's this wonderful-

World that people

People claim that it exists

I don't see a god

Helping this miserable place

I don't see a Superman

Melting all the baddies

I don't see


I don't see you.

Where are we?


I don't know.

I've been thinking...


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