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The winters in Esgaroth were dreaded by most residents that dwelled in the town. It had icy cold days dragged short from the lack of sun with even colder nights. There was also a drop of fish population in the mostly frozen lake, resulting in hunger from the town people. Some had to turn to a vegetable diet for many nights until they had a chance to buy fish or meat. Most hoped spring would arrive earlier that year so their many months of suffering from the cold weather would be over, but it somehow never did. Some years it would drag longer instead of being cut short, and when it happened in the opposite direction, it was rare.

During these months, the markets were regularly full on the weekends. The people would buy their dinner there from those who had caught it that very day, except for those who caught it themselves. The markets ranged from exclusive meats and fish to the same vegetables and fruits.

But unlike most, one person specifically enjoyed the winter time. She loved the way the Lonely Mountain stood mighty above them as if it was a guardian, and how the winter fog coated its base, making it look more majestic than it already did. Or how the roof tops would coat with fresh white powder on certain days.

But she especially loved the way the icy breeze hit against her face as she rushed from place to place. It usually stirred up trouble but she barely noticed, being concealed in her own world.

It was on a day much like those that she'd been rushing down the wooden platforms that attached the entire town together. She managed to slip many times on the frozen planks but had caught herself every single time before the falling to the ground. Her large fur coat was coating the wind from making her shiver, but the breeze still fluttered against her face.

The reason that she was rushing on that day had many things to do with her aunt. Her great aunt had asked her to rush to the markets and buy carrots for their dinner, telling her to quickly run back right away. And so she had. But as she approached her home, she slowed her pace, running up the steps and entering the small house. It was shaped overall into a square, it's wooden walls wore down by all of the weather that had wanted to tear it down, but it somehow coped with all of it. It consisted of two beds, a small kitchen, and a table. All of those things took over half of its space, resulting in difficult ways to get from place to place.

As she entered the home, she was greeted by her great aunt, Diella, as she stirred at a large pot. She was very old, her grey hair always tied up and her apron never leaving.

"Edith, have you got the carrots?" She croaked, her voice weak and raspy.

Edith nodded, taking the small bunch of carrots and setting them down near her aunt. She removed her coat, hooking it near the door where the large fishing hook had been hung. Then she joined her aunt in the process of cooking their dinner, a small conversation developing.

Edith and Driella had finished eating dinner within two hours after cooking it. They were washing dishes when a knock came at the door. Driella made her way to the light colored door, finding her neighbor behind it.

"The master's got an announcement. Come quick!" He rushed off soon after, leaving the two in shock. The master barley made announcements, but when he did, they were important.

Within five minutes, they had rushed into the crowd that awaited near the master's front steps. They waited nearly ten minutes before the master made an entrance, stopping at the spot on top of the steps. He was a large man, his thin ginger hair stopped at his shoulders and barley covered his head. He wore a large fur coat and a mustache drew on his top lip.

As soon as he began to speak, the crowd went silent, "Citizens of Lake-Town, I have a very important message, " He spoke slowly, his voice was raspy as if he hadn't used it in a while, "The town of Edoras in Rohan has sent me word."

In the crowd, whispered could be heard, "News tells that Rohan will support this town during its harsh towns for a bargain." He stopped for a second, "For their generous behavior, we too need to put in."

"Since they are facing tough times themselves, they need something from this town that must be sent right away," Everyone in the crowd seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for the words to come out. But the words that were spoken were expected by no one, "They need a handful of children, and they need them now."

{ Yay! It's finally up! What do you think about their agreement? Leave a comment below and vote and share! Thanks! }

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