Chapter one //Butt Virginity

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I combed through the mud houses in the neighborhood that is known to hold the lowliest of Abeokuta inhabitants. Saje.

It reeked with cheap alcohol and the heap of rubbish at every corner contributed to the signature smell of Saje. Actually stinks like my life. Let's roll things like thirty minutes back.

I got down from the rusty green vehicle that Abeokuta people surprisingly call a taxi.

This particular one had no side mirrors and I was sandwiched in between a sweaty bricklayer judging from his white appearance and a fat woman that lapped about five children.

You think this should be the highlight of my story? Think again.

"Come down from my car fast jare and pay me my money." The grey haired man with three tribal marks on each cheeks yelled at me in Yoruba.

This people really take pride in their smelly iron cars. Whew.

I got down and rummaged through my everytime and anytime peeling black backpack for the last hundred Naira I had to pay the old man.

I searched and searched but nothing. And then, I noticed the hole under my backpack.

Screw you rats of Saje!

Shoot me. This taxi driver is going to kill me so you guys might as well do it.

"Wo I have to go home to my husband be fast." The woman with apparently three children yelled at me in a Yoruba accent that was for the sub ethnic group called Egba.

"Young lady give me my money are you mad?" Baba yelled at me.

I panicked as I tried to explain it in English and Yoruba to him. "Baba mi o ri Owo yen, I think I forgot it in at home." I lied at that moment. I obviously knew what happened. The rats that were probably as poor as my family devoured my poor bag.

I already had the crappiest life possible so this lie was like adding a pinch of salt to sweet party jollof rice.

"I will pay for her." The white bricklayer said eventually after series of insults from the taxi driver like mad girl, pauper and all sorts all in Yoruba of course.

What he doesn't know Is that I have a built in level thirteen jumbo insult bullet proof. My dearest mommy sells gin to sweaty perverts, you can piece the pieces I guess.

After the whole shenanigan, I am now waking through the dirty muddy streets of the famous Saje.

The chickens weren't out again and the good for nothing fathers were at their usual joints drinking cheap beer. One didn't need a wrist watch to tell it was getting dark because naked children already had their plates in their hands, ready to buy twenty Naira rice and five Naira fish head.

I was about to make the final turn to my house; if you would call it that when a little girl in blue panties about five years old came to me with an empty bowl.

She was all dirty yet she was simply adorable. I just shake my head and walk away because I can't even pay my own cab money and I'm twenty years old.

What kind of parent leaves a child to fend for herself. Wait idiot, your mom.

I finally got to my home. The filthy mud box I've been sleeping In for the past twenty years.

Everything was pretty normal. The giant heap of nylons and old beer bottle that has become the flag of this house, the old benches were there too except the fact that my mom and all her customers at her wooden shop were gone.

The house seemed unusually quiet not that I don't like it though. At least I can dress up and wear my bra in peace without some drunkard peeking at my boobs.

I enter the poorly lit passage and make for my tiny room immediately. The air in the passage seemed much more stale than usual and everywhere reeked of the family's signature spray. Cheap alcohol.

I had to change as soon as possible and hurry to Halmod if I want to get the good ones.

I opened the wooden door that revealed my barbie doll room. It creaked so loud as if it's telling me change me! Change me!

Too bad door, I don't even have enough to change the three panties I've been wearing for six months now.

I keep them very clean!

I quickly throw my bag to a corner, remove my black flats that are peeling off just like my life and then my top came off next.

I look outside to make sure no one was watching then I realize it was already dark.

I grabbed my pink make up purse from the plastic table hastily causing my books to fall but I don't have time for that now so I just carry on with my makeup.

In about twenty minutes I was done with my makeup. I clumsily get my dress and heels on and then double check to make sure my two hundred Naira was still there.

With everything checked, let's go sell our body at Halmod.

"Anjo...anjo..anjola my friend come here." Sodiq, my mother's husband yelled from the sitting room. It was pitch black but I know this place like the back of my hand so I just yell "Baba I'm going out." as I made my way to the door.

"I said come here stupid girl." He yelled his footsteps getting more audible by the second.

The house is far from big so I quickly get to the door and push it open.

First time.

Second time, still not budging.

Third time.

When I left this morning, we did not have locks. We never had. We don't have a fridge or TV or even a fan. I sleep with my phone in a purse inside my breast so when the fuck did we get locks.

Sodiq moved closer and tried to drag me with my hair but my wig falls off. He throws the trophy he was drinking on the floor and drags me with my legs, ignoring the glass on the floor and what potential harm it may be doing to me.

I kicked and punched hard but it was of no use. The man is insanely strong for his age.

Not even waiting to get to the room he loosens his grip and gets on top of me. Right there. On the floor. I tried hitting him but the Got to me first and slapped me hard.

" Please I'll do anything please don't do this." I kept yelling as tears poured out of my eyes.

He kept going on and on and on and after he realized I was to tired to fight back, he turned me over and did it from the back. I have never had anal sex Before. As soon as he got in there, the tears just stopped coming.

He just took away my Butt Virginity.

Authors Note
Why hey brother man, Hi sister girl, how you doing? This is not going to be a sob story so keep open minds folks.

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