chapter nineteen// i got you

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Chapter Nineteen


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I couldn't look Korede in the eye anymore, I couldn't face him again. I couldn't touch him; I don't even think I could stand in the same room with him. Who I'm I kidding, I didn't deserve to live in the same country with him.

I ran into the elevator quickly and pushed the buttons so he wouldn't have seen me drown in my own salty river. Tears flowed down my eyes as I looked glumly at the elevator counting down. The thing was unusually slow today and I couldn't wait to leave this building, I felt chocked; like the walls were closing in on me.

The elevator got to the sixteenth floor and it suddenly stopped. I had not gotten a new phone and there was no way I could contact anybody. I mean this is Nigeria, who uses an elevator anywhere?

The elevator was completely sealed and there were no windows or anything, just metal. I wasn't claustrophobic or anything but I was starting to get underarm sweat. "Heeeellpp." I yelled to see if anybody could here.

Calm down Anjola, the building probably knows already.

Shut up idiot, did you just move to Nigeria?

I felt so lost at the moment and it was so ironic that a problem that was probably very common to urban people was the thing that finally shattered me. I slipped down and clutched my knees as I cried another round of fresh hot tears.

Still lost in my whirlpool of problems and the garbage truck that was my life, I realized I was alone, with no shoulder to cry on. It was a week already and my own mother didn't even try to contact me.

I suddenly noticed the lights of the elevator; they came on and the elevators started going up. I stood up and wiped my tears as I composed my venomous complaint to the doorman in my head. The numbers stopped at fifty two and the elevator doors parted.

I stepped out and I was met with korede's open arms. I felt just at home enveloped in his tight embrace and at that moment somebody opened my tap. "Shush now, your incredibly handsome korede is here, I got you." He said as he patted my back softly.

We stayed like that for about two minutes me bawling my eyes out and soaking his shirt while he held me and allowed me shed my tears quietly.

We let go of each other as he took my hands his and walked me to the couch. He sat me down, switched the TV on and left the room. I wiped my eyes and paid a little bit of attention to the animated show to get my mind of things. Korede and cartoons. I felt good just thinking about him sprawled on the couch, watching cartoons and drinking from his yellow cup.

Yes he was a jerk to me but what I did wasn't baby food either and he had been so nice to me. "Here you go." His voice broke me from my reverie. He handed me something in his yellow cup and I was reluctant in collecting it.

"Em korede, why are you giving me this?" I asked him feeling uneasy. All this was so overwhelming and my life at the moment could make good money if it were a telemundo soap opera.

"Cause the cup is special to me and if you could allow me, you can be special too." I noticed the lines on his forehead and he looked tense. He usually oozed confidence but he acted a bit shy. "Like a little sister you know, I can protect you and take care of you." I couldn't quite read his facial expressions but he seemed unsure.

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