chapter twenty two// "shit Anjola what is this"

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Townie_A thanks for the cover  ❤


Chapter twenty two


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Ewatomi. My beautiful Ewatomi, what was she doing here? Now? I moved on a long time ago and I presence wasn't exactly what I was expecting at this period in my life.

I dropped my fork immediately and left Anjola with the food. I was feeling a lot of emotions at that moment; Anger, surprise, happiness and even a little bit of hatred.

I checked my hair in the mirror to make sure it was well combed before pressing the accept button. My jaw dropped immediately I saw her smiling face. She was stunning.

She looked much more matured and even prettier than ever in her black outfit. Her face was more defined now and her lips were fuller and they looked heavenly in her dark brown lipstick. Even the way she stood showed that she embodied class and confidence. I couldn't help but stare, she took my breath away and the room suddenly became smaller, that little hate also vanished that minute.

"Babyyy." She greeted me with a hug and a huge smile after our awkward silence. As she drew close to me, her perfume filled my nostrils and it completely made my senses null and void. "Are you going to stand there all day or usher me in darling?" she said with a smile. Oh that dang smile, it sent me reeling to space.

"Em... but of cause Ewa, come in." How did you find this place? Why are you back now? Why the fuck did you come looking for me? I wanted to blurt out all at the same time but I took a chill pill and followed her into the apartment.

What the fuck, even the way she walked changed. Ewa was always tomboyish but now it looked she suddenly transformed into this slay mama. Her name did say it all, beauty. She was beautiful.

I studied the way her ass moved behind her. This girl fucking changed so much. The memories we made started flooding back, the red sea.

She looked around the pent house as she took a seat. She crossed her legs immediately in such a graceful, delightful and delicious way, it just made you want to launch at her. Every single move she did, every art of her body completely mesmerized me.

"Darling, it's very rude to stare actually." Her voice suddenly became music to my ears. I didn't like what she was doing to me so I decided to make conversation quickly. She quicker I asked what her deal was, the sooner she leaves my house. Well I want her to exit all the way to my room and maybe we can try a 69. Jeez, she was unleashing the fuckboy demon in me.

"I wasn't staring." She spreads her flawless lips again, exposing her pearly whites as if to say 'Yeah right.' "So what brings you here, when did you get back from the states?" I quickly add before she could say something again.

I noticed her looking around my apartment and I couldn't decipher what was going on in her mind through her facial expressions.

She probably lives in a mansion already and here I was, living in a stupid apartment. I consoled myself with the fact that my apartment was more expensive than some people's twenty five year salary.

"I got back about two weeks ago; I had a lot on my plate so I had to push socializing to later. And I know you're wondering so I'll help you out, I got your address from mummy." She said and she smiled again. She was always close friends with my mum; she loved her before she left. Before she left me.

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