chapter ten// it's a bet

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yayy chapter 10


I opened the elevator door and hoped to see Anjola watching TV or maybe swaying her hips to some legbegbe or something but the apartment was still dark and I switched the lights on. Michael didn't inform me that someone was in the pent house but I secretly prayed that she was.

I turned the kitchen lights on and dumped the fifteen Shoprite nylons I was carrying on the kitchen counter. I drove all the way to Shoprite ota to get her some groceries due to the lack of a decent shopping mall in Abeokuta and I couldn't stand hearing her whining voice again this night.

Where was she anyways? What decent girl comes home late after school? Maybe she went to visit her boyfriend or something. Should she even be dating, she's only twenty.

I removed my shirt; jeans and shoes throw some sweatpants on and retire to a marathon of black.ish. A fair skinned came up on the screen and I decided to call her. I dialed and at the third ring, she picked the call.

"Where you so busy with your boyfriend that you couldn't answer my call at the first ring." I took a sip of my mango juice and continued talking.

"I am busy; I'm busy with a half naked man child that drinks from a cartoon character cup."

"Well your boyfriend sounds stupid." I said mentally high fiving myself that she didn't see me doing all the things she just described.

Wait a minute? That was a pretty accurate description.

I turned around and found her leaning on the elevator door, waving. She wasn't on any makeup and her skin looked flawless in the elevator light.

You're so stupid korede.

"Well you said it not me." She slung her bag on the coat rack by the door and walked tiredly to the room. She didn't even say anything; she just nodded and walked away. There was something off about her this night. She wasn't ready to attack me at every instance.

I contemplated going to her room to ask but knowing her, she would've insulted me in ways I never dreamed of so I just sat back on the couch and waited for her to come out.

I was almost done with the second episode of black.ish when she walked into the room with an oversized tee shirt that ended inches before her flawless knee. Her box braids were tied up in a messy bun which made her look even better.

"What's for dinner?" she asked as she took a seat on a black bean bag chair. I turned the television volume down and concentrated on her.

"How bout you as the main course with a side dish of my bed." I winked and moved closer, I hoped she would get down with it and maybe give me some of that.

"I don't have time for all this korede, did you buy groceries?" she stood up and started walking to the kitchen but this time, I wasn't letting her get away.

"What's your deal anyway, must you be so difficult? Or are you a virgin uhn?" she should just loosen up and let the inevitable happen. That's how they all are at first then they come begging.

"What's so wrong with being a virgin uhn?" so she is a virgin. Do those things really exist? I don't think so; at sixteen most of them already get laid. "You know what my problem is? Men like you that think they can get whomever they want just because they have power." She grabbed her slippers, walked to the elevator and pushed the last button.

What is wrong with this girl? She thinks all this came free? She wishes.

Do whatever you want.

I turned the TV volume back up and refilled my yellow cup. I was into the episode when the elevator sounded. Someone decided to come back. I muted the TV and stood up, ready to watch her beg me.


"Little brother." He said in a cheerful voice that was obviously fake as he stretched his hands forward, probably ready to strangle me.

"How did you get in? Did you kill somebody? Because the door and security men know that they shouldn't let anybody into any apartment if they're not on the list without calling." I said because knowing Tobi, there might be five dead bodies down stairs and he would totally get away with it.

"They know I'm your brother idiot." He said as he sat on the couch and put his shining brown shoes on my table.

"Get your leg off my table.

"That's no way to talk to your elder bother." He took a sip out of my yellow cup because he knew how much it infuriated me. "Are you still playing around with your camera or are you finally going to use your sense for once in your life?"

"Just get out my house."

"House indeed." He rolled his eyes and looked around my sitting room.

Hey, this is a five million naira pent house.

"At least I work for my own money." Tobi works as the managing director of our fathers processing company and he thinks he's an alpha male because Simi has been chasing after him.

"Who was the babe?"

"What babe?" I asked like I didn't know he was referring to whiskey.

"The fair skinned, round ass one that left your apartment." It was obvious he liked anjola. He had his fisherman look in his eyes and it was the perfect time to shatter his almighty ego a little bit.

"She's about to be my girlfriend." He looked at me and laughed like basket mouth or AY just told him a joke.

"What could that kind of girl want with you?" he said in between laughs. "I bet I can make her fall in love in ten minutes."

"So you want to bet ehn? Fine then. Let's see who gets her first in three weeks time."

"But I thought she's about to be your girlfriend na?" he laughed again.

"Are you interested or not?"

"It's a bet then." He replied.


Ghenghen, the drama just started. Yall just met tobo g, what do you think about him and about their bet too.

Stay blessed.

Xoxo wonu loves ya.

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