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Chapter 1

~Joey's Pov~

I was at the Anderson's mansion for the Memories of the past year. Its basically a speech and party sort of thing for this town. Mr Anderson was giving a small welcome to me and Tori. But Tori isn't here yet. Girls and getting ready. Anyway she should be here soon. I hope. I really cant go anywhere without my wee best bud. My wee Pukie. Hah she would die if I called her that in public. It would embarrass her but what are dad's for then?

I wonder how she's doing and where she is?


~Tori's POV~

As I was driving up the long and I mean long driveway to the Anderson's house oh so sorry MANSION. It was huge. Mowed, lush, green grass. A few rosary bushes near the entrance. Shiny brass-colored gates. The mansion could fit the whole town. TWICE. I wonder if they ever get lost in there? Hmm.

We parked my pride and joy into their parking lot for guests.

My car was a sleek, grey Aston Martin Rapide.

It was 8pm. Opps im half an hour late. A well. Better late than never. I hope we can go in an hour because there's a Yankee's game on then.

I walked up to the grand entrance and rang the door bell. almost instantly the door swung open caused by the looks of it a butler. When I stepped in he took my coat and as I turned around to say thanks he was gone. Well.

Where am I supposed to go? When I thought that 3 guys appeared looking around the age of 18 maybe 19 all dressed up. Huh. They must be here for they speech/party.

The first guy had short, light-brownish/blondish hair. He was pale and had nice hazel eyes. But he looked like the hulk only not green. So whatever you do Tori. DO NOT MAKE HIM MAD!!! Okay got that good. Because he looks like he could through you of the empire state building with one hand. You would be like super-flying-monkey-girl.

The second had short blonde hair. Pale skin and light blue-grey eyes. Again muscled just not as hulkish like the first one but still you never know.

The last one had dark brown hair not too long but neck length. His fringe dropping over his dark hazel-green eyes. He was pale like the others. Again toned like the others. He kinda fits in between the other two.

I realized what I was doing and suddenly found the floor very interesting. Staying there until the blush on my checks calmed down I looked up again to find them all staring at me.

" I was wondering where I could find the mine hall for the um well speech thingy. Im Toriea Ray but you can call me Tori. Who may I ask are you three?" I asked trying to be polite.

They looked like they were about to speak when my dad came in. He had his cell out. Opps. Am I that late. When he looked up he sighed looking relieved.

"I was just about to call you. What on earth do girls do? I thought you just might have ended in a car crash or got lost and were on your way to Arizona or something by now." he said the last part jokingly but I still heard a bit of seriousness there.

"don't stress. 'kay. I was getting ready. Paul is very capable of driving and wouldn't get lost. Okay. Calm down." Paul is my neighbour who was coming too and since I wasn't ready my dad asked him.

"anyway c'mon bud." my dad said. He was my best friend and the coolest dad ever. I walked towards him.

"so how's the lecture? Did I miss much?" I asked him.

"It's alright and know you didn't." he said.

"uhh I hate boring lectures cant we just go home and get ready to watch the game?" I asked in a whiny tone.

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