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THE car ---------->

Sorry for taking so long. I was having a bit of bother with that darn writers disease called writers block. Im better now though.

I just want to make a shout out to someone that pushed me to get this done. Without her you would know of this chapter for a long time:

Darksideoflilith Love ya!

Here ya go people! =]


" hello Re-Re." wait I knew that voice. The same mocking, cruel voice from the party. The one that already got on my nerves. The one that belongs to a family that has a Different feel to them. The one grandma told me to help. The one voice that made up the name Re-Re.


But what is he doing here?

Chapter 3: Weird Together...

"Oh it's just you's. I was so scared." Zoki started to laugh nervously. Im still slightly scared. Again im getting a feeling of different coming of them. Something doesn't seem right, isn't right about them.

"Yeah. Sorry we didn't mean to scare you ladies. I hope we haven't ruined your evening. If you don't mind my asking as to why you three are in the park after dark?" Ryan said. He must be the one Brook likes. Yep. They both seem pretty smart. Brook was about to reply but I cut in.

"We could ask you the same thing. A park? Really?" I raised my eyebrow as if to say "that I want an explanation and I want it now!" they seemed to understand. While Brook and Zoki looked at me as if I'd just said the rudest thing in the world. What? I only asked.

"Well we just thought we'd come here for a walk. You know to get away from parents." Jay seems like a flirt. Perfect for Zoki.

Ryan and Jay were looking into Brook and Zoki's eyes as if they were trying to send a message. Nate was looking at me too but whatever he was trying to do it didn't go well because he looked a little frustrated. Like he was trying -and trying being the main word- to solve a hard math problem but not getting the answer.

"What you looking at?" I hope my voice didn't falter for im feeling pretty uncomfortable under his intense stare.

"Don't you feel weird, tired, dizzy at all?" Why on Earth would I? Jeez Nate.

"No. Why would I? Oh wait I do. I feel kinda uncomfortable with you looking at me like a hard math problem." Which is true. I mean can his gaze get anymore intense? C'mon.

Zoki and Brook along with Jay and Ryan seem to have disappeared. Great. Im left with this, this thing that people call Nate more like nit. He is beginning to bug me.

"Where is Zoki and Brook? They were here a minute ago." Maybe his brain is useful for something.

"They're probably with my brothers." Then again maybe not.

"now why would I feel weird?" I had to know. Something tells me that. Something is weird about this family and im going to find out what!

"Well it's just a lot of people feel weird under my gaze. I don't know why you don't though. Maybe your just weird Re-Re." Ha. Im weird! You're the one who thinks your just so god damn handsome. You're the one who think girls will worship the ground you walk on. You're the one saying im weird because I don't feel the way you want me to under your stare! He makes me so mad, and I haven't even known him for two days. Ugh.

"Im weird? You don't know the list of things going through my head proving that you're the weird one." and this kid was meant to be polite? Ha. Fat chance.

Nate put on a flirty smile and waggled his eyebrows at me while taking a few steps forward until he was right in front of me.

"We could be weird together." Wait is he coming on to me? And that has got to be thee cheesiest line ever.

"That is so cheesy. Even for a guy like you." and with that I turned on my heel and walked up to an old oak tree and climbed up to a stable position and sat there.

I pulled out my phone to see if I could get hold of one of the girls. No answer. Weird.

I didn't hear anyone come up behind me until they scared the life out of me. They put a hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. I dropped the phone. I could feel cool breath hitting the back of my neck. I felt cool lips graze my ear.

"Re-Re why did you walk away? Im going to have to get you back you know? Oh and your friends are busy with my brothers so they wont hear your call. In fact id say my brothers have their phones and I think I will take yours for now too." with that I was down to the ground still in the arms of Nate.

His white hand flashed out and grabbed my phone and back to my waist. Holding tightly. My feet were about a foot of the ground. Im 5'5 and I know that that's small for a 16 year old but he looks to be about 6ft. I mean the difference is quiet dramatic.

We were walking out of the park by now with his hands still covering my mouth and waist. Where are we going?

I was on the ground again and the hands were removed to one taking a hard grasp on my upper arm. We were in the forest. It was behind the park and away from civilization. It wouldn't matter if I screamed now or not. No one would hear.

I was yanked into a clearing towards a car. It was too dark to make out but it did look cool. I was seeing only part of it by the cause of the moon. As we got closer the car looked pretty um what's the word mean. Not in the cool, nice way either. It looked like a car Satan would drive. I mean it to.

Nate opened the door and threw me-literally- in and buckled the seat belt. I actually couldn't move.

Nate appeared beside me in an instance, and started to drive down a dirt path that I didn't even notice. I don't know how he could drive. It was like looking out of a black screen. Darkness.

I stool a glance at Nate to see if I could get anything from his expression but his face was blank if not a little frustrated and confused.

Wait. Realization just kicked in. Im being kidnapped by a guy I met only yesterday. A weird, different guy at that. I could feel a tear prickling at the side of my eye. I haven't cried since I was five so I wont cry now. Not for this. Not for Nate. But what about my dad. He will be so worried. Oh god. I cant believe what's happening.



A little Nate and Tori chapter. XD

weeeeeeeeell what do you guys think?


I just want to ask one thing.

Let me know in the comments okayy:

*Let me know one of the cheesiest lines you have heard okayy?*





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2010 ⏰

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