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It may be a bit boring at first but bear with me okay?


Enjoy!!!! <3

Chapter 2: Chit-Chat

The next morning I decided to call Zoki and Brook to see if they would show me around. They said they'd be here in 10 minutes so I better get ready.

I pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a Paramore Riot tee-shirt and went for a shower.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to get something to eat. Coco Pops. Call me a child but I really don't care less.

The door rang right after I finished. Good timing.

I opened the door to Zoki and Brook after I said good-bye to dad.

"so first of where did you two disappear to last night?" I asked.

"well we were talking to Jay and Ryan. Oh yeah and Ryan looked a little bit weird so to say today. And then suddenly they asked if we would liked to be shown around and of course Zoki answered yes straight away." Brook said.

"Then we were walking around when they told us to stop. We started talking in an abandoned hallway and suddenly I felt this sting on my neck. It hurt really badly. We must have passed out because when we woke up again we were in a game room and Jay and Ryan looked down at us with worried expressions. They said it might have been a wasp or something. And I think it probably was. Once I looked into Jay's eyes I was sure they were telling the truth." Zoki said.

"when we walked back down you were the one who was gone. We asked your dad Joey and he said you went home with one of your new neighbours. So we went home after that with our parents. But I still remember the pain from that wasp sting." Brook finished.

"oh I couldn't find you two so I went home I kinda thought that you were with them." I decided not to tell them about what happened with Nate or my weird dream. It might freak them out and I really don't think that I should tell Zoki about the dream.

I already know that Zoki believes in physics and magic so telling her about my dream wouldn't be a good idea.

"so where are we going today?" I asked them. I was really curious but it was also to break the silence.

"well I thought we could go shopping then go for a bite to eat then to the park and hang for a while you know." Zoki looked very happy when she said shopping. Its to expect from her I guess. I don't mind shopping just not too much of a girly shopping if you catch my drift.

We took a taxi into the town. The whole morning was pretty cool. I actually enjoyed a bit of a shop. Zoki tried on everything, and I mean everything. From white floppy hats to splattered converse and blue knee socks.

She looked like something that hadn't seen or heard of the word fashion. Which was a totally new look for her. Me and Brook just couldn't stop laughing. I am really going to remember this day!

For lunch we went to a small Café. It had the most delicious cupcakes. I had about two of those and a coke.

We sat, chatted and of course gossiped. I found out that Zoki fancied Jay and Brook fancied Ryan. They tried to tell me that I should go for Nate but after I brought up the fact that im not that type of girl that conversation was shut down.

I found out that Brook likes Math, god knows why. Zoki likes History which sort of surprised me.

"What's yours Tori?" Brook asked.

" Oh it would have to be art." I loved art. I loved to draw.

"really? I would've thought you a gym kinda girl you know." oh I guess I could understand that.

"I do like it but I love the why my pencil runs across the page and creates the vision in my head to my hand. I just love that feeling you know." I love the way I can bring my thoughts to life I added to myself.

"wow. I guess I never thought of it that way." amazement and wonder was clear in Zoki's voice.

" speak for yourself. I cant even draw a stick man let alone pictures in my mind. My mind and hands are for numbers." I had to laugh at that. We all did.

We went shopping some more. It was 7:30pm when we went to the empty park. It was early November so the nights are longer. Its dark out. But I can still see everything though.

We sat on different parts of the climbing frame. We talked for a while and what I mean by a while it was and hour until I abruptly stopped.

"I don't know why so many girls spend hours on their-" what was that noise? Zoki and Brook noticed too. We turned our heads in the direction it came from. The swings. But there was nobody there. We know this because that's where the moonlight is shining.

"it's probably was the wind." and as I said it I suddenly realized that-

"there is no wind" Zoki finished of my thought. Zoki didn't look too well either.

There it was again. Just then something whizzed past us then back to the swings. I couldn't make it out because there wasn't much light. Apart from the moon.

Then it whizzed past again. Then again. Creating wind on it's own. What is happening? More importantly, What is it?!? Or do I even want to know.

To break the silence a cruel, mocking laugh began to develop. It sounded like there was three of whatever it was. Something unknown. Something... different. Different now that rang a bell. Didn't it? But what? What?

What is it? Or are they even. What do they want? And why from us?

No matter whatever and whoever they are, they wont lay a single finger on Zoki's or Brook's head! I'll make sure they don't! But how?


Under the light of the moon three shadows emerged by the swings.

As if to give us a warning an owl that's was silent was now very much awake.

" hello Re-Re." wait I knew that voice.

The same mocking, cruel voice from the party. The one that already got on my nerves. The one that belongs to a family that has a Different feel to them. The one grandma told me to help. The one voice that made up the name Re-Re.


But what is he doing here?


What are they doing there?

What do you think?



Love ya!


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