Chapter one- "I live here get used to it"

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Ch 1
Louis pov

I look over at my bag on the seat besides me, taking in a deep breath while the cab driver pulls up to the house I was going to stay at for who knows how long.

This is the eleventh foster house I've been to. The last ten either have up on me or I just simply packed my bags and left.

It was the Styles family this time and I wasn't looking forward to these people. They sounded snobby and rude. Sounds like another family taking me in for the money. (Which if you would ask me they didn't need judging by the size of their house) People are greedy not surprised one bit. "Kay kid we're at your destination" the cab driver spoke up removing my from my thoughts.

I nod getting out of the cab and grabbing my small duffle-bag filled with all my belongings and slinging it over my shoulder. I dig into my pocket looking for cash so I can pay the man for my ride.

"no need it on me, and here buy yourself a beer looks like you need it" he says handing me some cash that I was not going to say no to. "Yeah I really do thank you" I smile patting the man on the shoulder before walking towards the door being greeted by a curly haired lad about a head taller than me.

His green eyes roamed my body before he sent me a rude glare and rushed up the stairs. I slowly let myself in and stood awkwardly at the door as a older man walks up to me "hello Louis" he says sending me a sad smile.

There it was.

The pity.

I don't want pity.

Pity ruins everything.

"I'm very sorry about Harry he isn't exactly happy with this arrangement" the nameless man says and I shrug "to be completely honest I wouldn't either" I say and he nods.

"Guess so. Do you wanna see your room?" He asks and I nod following him up the stairs. "I have to go to work tomorrow so you'll be home alone with Harry if that's alright" he says stopping at a door. "Yeah I'll manage" I sigh.

He slowly opens the door and I peer into the room. It was a medium sized room it was pretty nice if you ask me. Nice big bed nice dresser big closet. Flat screen tv.

"So do you like it" the man asks and I nod "yeah it's really nice" he sends me a proud grin before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I flop down on the bed falling into a well needed slumber.


I woke up the next morning looking around my new home well for now at least. I'm not planning on staying here much longer.

I stand up and change into something presentable in case I run into Harry. I don't want him to hate me but once he finds out I'm gay he won't even want to bother with me en less he is beating me up.

I'm not bad ass, nowhere near it actually. I'm weak. If someone like Harry tried he could easily kill me. That side of me is well hidden though. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen, already seeing Harry eating a banana.

"What are you still doing here?" he asks his words like venom. 

"I live here get used to it" i spit and the next thing i know im pinned up against the wall. Harry's face was dangerously close to mine, so close that i could feel his steady breathing on my lips. 

"This will never be your house you hear me?" he hisses grabbing a handful of my hair and slamming my head into the wall before he drops me and storms back up the stairs.

I bring a hand to my head wincing as pain shoots through my scalp. i slowly stand up walking to the kitchen and grabbing an apple. I was not going to  let Harry treat me like this. I am a human being and i deserve to be treated like one. 

I put the apple back on the counter and quickly trotted up the stairs and walked to the room i was sure was Harry's sense the extremely loud music was coming out of there. I knocked loudly on the door and after no response, opened the door. 

"What the hell" Harry exclaims as he looks over at me. What the hell is wrong with me? What have i done?! I try to walk out of the room but Harry grabs my shirt stopping me from going anywhere. "Why are you in my room?" he asks lifting from my feet so we are the same height. 

"Answer me" he demands and i shake my head not saying a word which earned me being pushed against the wall again. " i see right through this little bad boy image you put out" he murmurs looking right into my eyes filling me with fright. Harry lifts his fist and i feel a shooting pain go through my skull before everything went black.


I woke up in my bed my head pounding, I glance at my nightstand and see a note, glass of water, and some pain killers. I grabbed the two pain killers that were provided throwing them in my mouth and swolowing them with a gulp of water.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling waiting for the pounding in my head to slowly go away. Once itss almost non-existent. i grab the note and unfold it carefully before making any attempt to read it.

Dear Louis,

I'm extreemly sorry about my temper. It seems i have gone to far this time. I must say its partly your fault for pissing me off. Take the painkillers they will help a ton love. :)

-Harry Styles 

I shake my head reading over the last line again and again and again till i was sure i wasn't imagining things.

Harry really did call me love. But he also blamed me for his actions. Only partially though. My subconscious adds.

I sigh loudly and stand up walking over to my dresser, i grab all my stuff and stuff it into my welly used duffle bag. I need to get out of this house. The beating will only get worse and that's the sad truth of it all.

i throw a beanie on my head and grab my duffle bag making my way down the stairs. "Fuck" i mutter under my breath as i see Harry. "How are you feeling?" he asks looking over at me "Alright" i say sending him a glare. I hadn't checked yet but i was sure there was a giant bruise on the side of my head.

I open the door slowly only to be stopped by a firm hand on my shoulder. "and where do you think your going?" Harry asks "Away from here" i mutter trying to pull my shoulder from his grasp but his hold was to strong.

"When will you be back?" he asks in more of a whisper, "Never" right when the word leaves my mouth im pushed back into the wall, my bag falls from my hand in the process. Harry looks me dead in the eye. "No your not" he hisses pushing me harder into the wall.

"Well why the hell not" i ask letting my sassy side out, i feel a shooting pain go through my stomach. "What the hell" i huff slamming my eyes shut and hunching over. I throw my fist up in attempt to hit something. Anything.

Harry stumbles on his feet as my fist collides with his head. He quickly gains balance again before he grabs my shirt throwing me on the ground. I kick my foot out as he was walking away causing him to fall on me.

He begins to punch me again and again full force. Tears begin to fall down my face. Louis do something, he's gonna kill you. Do something you idiot! I throw punches back till i begin to get to weak. So i just watched as this boy slowly killed me. 

Then all of the sudden, the punches stopped and his lips were on my own.

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