Chapter Four~"Stay away from Louis he is mine"

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I look down at my feet than back up at Justin.

"Hi Lou" he whispers starting to walk towards me. His blonde hair had been jelled up into a queef and he was wearing a black shirt and some dark blue skinny jeans.

He looked great, sexy even.

I take a step back not knowing Harry was standing there causing me to fall into his arms. "Go to the car Louis" Haz whispers pushing me behind him with force. I run and don't look back Harry being as strong as he is I'm sure he can handle my ex-boyfriend.

I hope.

~Harry's POV~

I look into Justin's eyes discust growing in my stomic. He hurt Louis. So did you. I see him swing his fist up in attempt to hit me. But I back up before his fist collides with my face causing him to stumble on his feet. "Stay away from Louis he is mine" Justin spits and i roll my eyes. "Make me" i say raising my eyebrows and flipping him off before walking away and meeting Louis back in the car.

I sit in the drivers side and look over at louis "did he hurt you?" he asks looking into my eyes "no" i say simply "Did you hurt him" he asks furrowing his eyebrows together "No" i say.

Louis doesnt say anything after that i decide to drop the subject and just drive us home. "Haz" Louis sleaks up once i turn the car to the right. "Yup?" i ask looking over at him for a seccond before looking back at the road.

"Where are we going, you turn left to get back to your house" he says quietly. "the bar, i need to get my mind off some things" i mumble seeing his eyes widen before he nods and bites him lip.

I put my hand on his knee feeling his tense up "Louis, are you okay?" i ask pulling into the pub. He nods. "uh yeah" he says "Ill wait here" he says slowly, acting like i would hit him any mineute. I just get out the the car and look down at him "Kay it may be a few" i state before walking into the pub and ordering a beer.

The last thing i remember was having my fifth beer.

~Louis' POV~

I have been sitting in the fucking car for maybe an hour and im done. I go to grab the handle so i can walk home but i see Harry stumbling out of the bar. "He's druck as fuck" i mumble to myself before getting out of the car and walking up to him.

"Come on Haz" i mumble grabbing onto his arm, "Louiss" He slurrs almost falling over. I grab his waist so he was more steady.

"Lets go home Harry" i mumble opening the door for him he plops down in the passenger seat smiling up at me. I close the door before quickle getting in the drivers side. I buckle up harry before starting the car. "Louis" Harry slurrs in more of a whisper.

"Yes Haz" i mutter knowing whatever he was gonna say was gonna be something stupid like i have a unicorn or something.

But oh was i wrong.

"Do you know why i wanted to get drunk" he mumbles and i bite my lip and nod. "Well ever sense you came over ive been questioning my sexuality" he mumbles looking over at me. My eyes widen and i look over at him "w-why" i question.

He puts a hand on my shoulder "Your beautiful Louis" my eyes widen and i look over at him as his arm falls from my shoulder. He passed out. He fucking passed out after confessing that he didnt know if he was staight anymore and after he called me beautiful.

"What the hell just happened" i mumble running a hand through my hair. I sigh and shake my head before starting the car. my mind was a mess. My life is over, maybe I'm overreacting but still.

Once we got back to Harry's house I quickly got out of the car and made my way over to his side. I opened the door hoping with everything I've got that he didn't fall, because lord knows I can't carry this boy to save my life.

I tapped his shoulder not getting a responce, maybe he is dead.... oh gosh his father is going to kill me, even though his father isnt home enought to notice. Right then, at that moment i realised that i did not like Harry's father one bit.

Harry has to make his own food and be by himself 90% of the time. Ive been alone before, its not fun. It ends up causing depression and as you could see by Harry's actions, anger issus. I continue to tap the boy before i see his shinny green eyes begin to open. "What are you doing Louis" he asks anger flashing through his eyes causing me to back away slowly.

He's gonna hit you louis. get away from him, go find Justin. just loves you so he has to hit you and yell a bit, Harry does it to hurt you louis. Run Louis.

No matter what my brain told me, my feet wouldn't move. I was glued in the spot before it happened again. I fell to the ground covering my ears and slamming my eyes shut.

I slowly got into Justin's truck looking down at my hands before I felt a hand under my chin, causing my to look up at my lovely, but cruel boyfriend. "chin up princess" he smiles pecking my lips before slapping me across the cheek. "your no princess, your just a ugly slut" Justin spat starting the car and driving me to his house.

He looked over at me his eyes a darker shade of green as he slammed his lips onto mine. I kissed back. I had to, if I didn't it all would be so much worse.

"Louis, love? Snap out of it please" Harry's voice caught me out of my trance. I bring a hand to my face feeling wetness. I was crying.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing that Harry was crying as well. "Why are you crying" I asked bringing my hand up to his face and wiping his tears away with the pad of my thumb. "Louis, he hurt you really bad didn't he? It wasn't just that night was it?" he cried.

I suddenly felt ashamed, I dropped my hand from his cheek seeing as he shivered loosing contact with my skin. I looked down at my lap, tears began to fall more rapidly as I nodded.

"Oh Louis Louis darling Louis" he whispered pulling me into him "why didn't you leave sooner" he asked surprising me.

"Because I deserve to be hit" I mumble watching as a single tear fell down his face followed by meany more.

"He hit me because he loved me." I mumbled beginning to feel sleepy pressed on Harry's chest.

"You don't deserve that Louis, you deserve all the love and happiness in the world, you deserve sunshine and butterflies and rainbows" Harry murmured into my hair.

"I'm tired Harry" I say finally letting my tired eyes shut. "I'll bring you to bed" he said and the next thing I know I'm half asleep being carried bridal style up the steep stairs and into my bedroom.

Harry softly placed me on my bed covering me in the blankets before turning around to leave.

"Harry" I mumbled looking over at the tall boy.

"Yes Louis" he says turning around to look back at me.

"Don't go"

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