Chapter 6 Triple shit.

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"Do you come here alot" i ask already knowing the answer. No he doesnt come here alot. I - we would have seen him.

"No, the other day then i was jogging i jogged past here and thought it was cute" he giggle, yes he fucking giggled. "oh" i said giving him a small smile as we entered the small cafe, oh damn i was dreading this.

We walked in, Justin's friend -also the owner of this joint- Ed, walked up to us. He was wearing a dark tux, not that the place was fancy or anything. The man just enjoyed wearing tuxes, uncomfortable little shits if you ask me.

    "Louis, man, what're you doing here?" Ed said giving me a small smile "uh, im on a date" i explained looking at the ground. "Oh yeah i forgot about you and Justin splitting, cutest couple ever. Anyways table for two" he rambled looking from me to Harry, "yeah" we said in unison.

    Once we got to our table we sat down and harry grabbed my hand "Can you explain love?" he asked looking obviously hurt.

    I took in a deep breath "Uh, well, Justin and Ed were the best of friends. Well they still are, but anyways. Sense Ed owns this place Justin and i would always come here, on dates and stuff. Ed is a really nice guy and knew nothing about what Justin would do to me. I mean he saw the bruises but Justin always just called me a clumsy shit, laughed and moved on." i explained looking at our hands instead of his eyes the entire time.

"Wait lou, he hurt you before the alley incident"


Double shit.

Triple shit.

"Uh yeah" i mumble looking down at my hands. "Hey" he said putting two fingers under my chin so that i was looking up at him, "You dont have to tell me untill you're ready, okay?" he smiled, "Okay" i said smiling back at him.

    Harry was so beautiful, he was beyond beautiful if you asked me. He has been getting slowly better, he hasnt hit me which is a great start.

The night went by fast, everything seemed to be a blur. All I remember is that we ordered a pizza, ate it then headed back and here we are, awkwardly sitting on his- our couch and I knew it was time. It was time to confess and be completely honest with harry. He deserves that much if not more.

"Harry I haven't been completely honest with you" I mumble lifting my head from where it was laying on his chest. "What do you mean" he asked scooting so he was sitting up straighter and looking at me as I took in a deep breath.

Well here goes absolutely nothing.

"Justin didn't move here and have no friends, he had always lived here and he always had more than enough friends. I was the one that moved here any didn't have any friends. Justin took me under his wing, he taught me stuff that I would have never learnt and he out of everyone I had met in my life, made me feel safe. I fell for him and I fell for him hard, we were really lucky going to a school that was very accepting of gay people, I mean sure we were called 'fag' a few more times than we would have wished but life was nice and I was happy."

I looked down at my lap before continuing.

"We eventually said I love you after dating for 3 months, it was a perfect relationship, nothing bad was happening and well we were happy, Or so I thought. After 6 months of dating something in Justin snapped, we were sitting on his couch watching one of his favorite movies when he started kissing me, very forcefully. Don't get me wrong I loved kissing and do that type of stuff with Justin but I just wasn't in the mood this time, so I calmly and carefully pushed him off."

At this point I knew my eyes were watering and I knew so were Harrys. This was hard for not just me but for him aswell.

"I shouldn't have done that and i knew the moment I looked into his eyes, I had never seen them so dark, hell I had never seen him this way in general. So I got scared and I gave in. I let him do whatever he wanted that night, it was the beginning of something horrible and I had yet to let that fully sink in. I didn't want to believe that what my boyfriend was doing was wrong, he was the first boyfriend I had ever had and I was new to this, he was my first everything and hell at one point I loved him more than I loved myself"

Harry reached over clearing some of my tears with his thumb as he continued to listen.

"After that night things just got worse, it wasn't a loving relationship anymore, it was more like I was his bitch and if i didn't do what he wanted when he wanted it I would be punished. I never fully became depressed, I don't know why or how but I never did. Sure I was unhappy in our relationship but I don't think I ever stopped loving him, and I never stopped trying to please him by doing what he wanted. Things went back to normal eventually and you have no idea how happy that made me. I felt like maybe, just maybe I would have my Justin back. But oh was I wrong, things were good for about a week, then they just got worse. He was hurting me all the time, with words and actions. I remember thinking 'why don't you just leave him' but I realised I asked myself that and felt the need to punish myself"

The tears were flowing freely now as I showed him the burn mark.

"So I got my lighter and held it to my skin before lighting a joint and just... I felt in that moment that I had fully lost myself. I didn't know who I was anymore, I didn't even know who I wasnt. It just seemed like I was there and that nothing mattered to me besides making Justin happy. I wasn't eating healthy and began loosing weight like crazy, I didn't mean to loose the weight, I just stopped being hungry one day. I mean yes i did eat but not enough and when I did eat enough I felt sick. Justin would hold me at the hardest things but when he did i just fell further into the pit I was in. Justin and I had sex at least twice a day. He was addicted and well I was there and I did what he wanted."

I couldn't look at harry anymore, I felt horrible watching the pain that this was bringing him, so I simply looked down at my lap again and squeezed his hand.

"He hurt me alot, like he would pull my hair and push me into walls, once when I was making breakfast he picked up the pan and hit me in the head with it, I woke up a day later with a pounding headache. Once highschool ended I moved out of my house and into his, he wanted it that way. I never left and all I did was do stuff for him, and if I did leave he was there watching me making sure I didn't do anything he didn't want me to do. One of my mates, his name was Stan, we lost touch after high school ended but we were so close, he knew everything that was going on with Justin and he told me multiple times to leave the relationship, that he would help me out of it. Anyways he said I reminded him of dobby that house elf from the harry potter series. I'm not fully sure why but maybe it was because I did whatever Justin told me to and if I did a bad thing Justin would punish me and if Justin didn't punish me I would punish myself. He even gave me a sock one day trying to get me to leave Justin. It was a good idea but it didn't work. I lied about that night, well not completely but you know. He wasn't mad because of something I did. I didn't do anything he just got really angry and said we were going somewhere I didn't know where or why but I did what he said and got in the car. He drove us to the place and started yelling at me, he was saying how I was cheating on him with Stan and niall and he just started saying slut over and over again. You already know the rest, I didn't lie about that part"

And I was done, everything was out in the open, no more secrets.

"Let's just start over shall we, let's forget what he did to you and just live for awhile" Harry said giving me a watery smile.

And so I grinned at him "we shall"

he rest of the night passed quickly, and by the end of it I knew I never wanted this to end, and when it did and we both headed in separate direction to go to our rooms; I felt unnaturally cold and sad.

I spinned on my heel, walked into Harrys room and stood in the door way. He looked my way before giving me a sleepy smile, scooting over and patting on the bed as if to say come on. I did. I made my way to the bed eventually cuddled up to him and for the first time in what felt like forever, I fell asleep happy.

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