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Weeks had gone by and Keith was still in a frantic manner due to the oncoming exams; the added feelings of jealousy didn't help either. It felt like small pricks of pain in his chest, and he hated it. He hated how Lance was being so flirtatious with everyone and everything - it made the fragile bond that had been accumulating for the few weeks slowly decay within himself. 

Ever since Lance had got that slip of paper, he had been out on dates with this woman Luna, who was a woman that was as irritating as hell. Whenever Lance would say anything to her, Keith would always be cringing unnoticed in the background, and it irritated Keith as to why he cared so much for this Cuban dumbass. This dumbass which didn't even care about him. Therefore it made Keith the dumbass.

Keith had grown unwittingly to trust Lance so much, had come to rely upon him and now Keith felt that he couldn't rely on Lance anymore - or at least not as much. Did all of the things that had happened in the past few weeks completely not matter to the dumbass? 

Keith scowled again as he watched Luna blow kissing faces to Lance, who only reciprocated in the same way - it also annoyed Keith how good the pair looked together, both having tanned skin and flirtatious personalities - it irritated him. He just wanted to kick something to try and let his frustrations ebb away.

"Keith?" a hand touched his shoulder causing him to startle slightly.

"Sharon?" realising who it was, Keith's face visibly relaxed.

"You okay?" Sharon asked, "It looked like you were plotting to murder someone - your scowl was so menacing,"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Keith muttered.

"Is it Lance?"


"Is it Lance which is making you... scowl?"


"Then why were you scowling at him?"

"I don't know..."

"It's okay sweetie - this won't last for long," she smiled,


"You don't need to be ashamed, I know you like Lance," she laughed,


Sharon only smiled knowingly, then walked back to her computer to do some more... stuff. Whilst Keith fumed, not wanting to only kick something, but punch that something in the face.


The shift eventually ended; the time to close the shop came way later than Keith would have liked - he was itching to get practicing for exams. Not only that, he was desperate to get away from Lance and Luna's flirting. 

However, he exited the shop without much fuss, making sure to not wait for Lance to give him a lift.

Plugging in his ear buds he looked straight at the earth as he walked, bearing no mind if he bumped into anybody, clearly in his own world of thoughts. His dark hair was swept over his eyes and the music was blocking his hearing - it was basically what adults would call a generic teenage emo.

People were awkwardly stumbling out of his way as he walked, he was so completely absorbed in his thoughts to care about such trivial things as people or as to where he was walking, for that matter. So much so, he ended up walking in the middle of a road. 

At least he would have, if a tanned hand hadn't held his hood back before Keith had taken another step.

"What the hell... are you trying to commit suicide Keith!?" Yelled Lance,

"Huh!?" Keith shouted in reply,  yanking his earbuds out in confusion.

"You were just about to walk onto a road...where there was this car," he heaved a shaky breath, "that was speeding towards your sorry ass..!"

"Sorry," Keith said impassively,

"Is sorry the only thing you have to say!?"

Keith said nothing.

"I was really scared, you know!"

"Yeah," Keith muttered unconvincingly, making a move to walk away, however Lance held him by the wrist, firmly.

"What's your problem!?"

"There's no problem,"

"There clearly is one, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this," Lance groaned in frustration, letting Keith's wrist go.

"Acting like what?" He asked annoyed,

"Like a dick,"

"Oh, so I am the dick... of course I am," Keith said incomprehensibly.

"Why should you be questioning your dickness!?" He questioned,

"Because I am only a dick to someone who treats me like one,"

"Oh, so I'm the dick now!?" Lance's voice grew louder, "even though I saved your life!"

"Yes now!" Keith replied with equal volume,


"By getting a girlfriend!"


An awkward silence suddenly spread, Keith abruptly turned his gaze to the floor, begging at it to swallow him up, whilst screaming inside of his head at the stupidity of thing he had just admitted.

"What...?" Lance tentatively chose to break the silence,


"What did you just say...?

"Don't worry about it,"

"What do you mean about my girlfriend?"

"It was... Just a slip of the tongue..  I meant fried bread..."

"Fried bread? Why are you being a dick about fried bread...?"

"Because... I don't like your fried bread," Keith brushed off,

"My fried bread?" He pestered,

"You only care about fried bread... You are not focusing on the job or care about anything or anyone else..."

"Okay... So you are jealous of my fried bread?" Lance smirked slightly,

"Why would I be j...jealous of fried bread?" Keith stuttered.

"That's what I want to know,"

"Just forget it,"

"I don't think I can just forget this," Lance's voice grew smoother with confidence,

"Please... just forget it," Keith covered his face with his shaking hands, to hide the growing embarrassment.

"Keith... Tell me," he bent over, whispering into reddening ears, half hidden by tufts of jet hair. Lance felt the urge to tuck the strands away, just so that he could feel how soft they were, his hands getting closer to Keith's protected face.

"I said..." Keith paused as his voice broke slightly, "forget it." He choked,


"FORGET IT." Keith jerked away so suddenly, that Lance couldn't keep hold of the wrist anymore, which unfortunately for Lance, made Keith able to escape without much difficulty.

"Keith..!" Lance yelled through the crowds of people, "Keith come back!"

However Keith had vanished without trace, and Lance stood alone, processing what had just happened.


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