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Oh holy shit. The entrance exam was coming up in a month - Keith felt like he was gonna die.

No - he needed to keep a calm head. He looked through the leaflet that had been given out to him and made sure he had followed all of the procedures it required:

Hello all candidates, here is some guidelines for the exam, make sure to follow them - if you want to pass!

The examination board of P.D.A. require two sets of solo performances from the candidates:

1) Planned Solo Performance

The first performance you will give, is a dance set to your own choreography from out of the multiple music choices - you must create the choreography in your own time before the exam - then perform it to the examiners.

You will be marked specifically on the technique and complexity of the performance.

2) Improvisational Solo Performance 

The second performance you will give, is a dance which requires you to improvise to the set music during the exam, meaning - you can't prepare any choreography - however you may use any technique as long as it fits the style of the melody.

You will be marked based on your creativity and response to the music.


P.D.A wishes all candidates the best of luck for the exam.


After reading through all of that, Keith still didn't feel any more confident with it - in fact - if anything, he felt worse. What was he going to do for the improvisational performance? What if he couldn't think of anything to do during the real exam? What was he going to do?

Keith breathed slower, he knew that he was a good dancer - there was no need to get all nervous about this. However, so much pressure was on him to pass this exam, because there was no way he could go to P.D.A without passing - and that was what Shiro wanted him to do. Shiro wanted him to go to P.D.A; moreover, it was what he wanted to do. He wanted to go to P.D.A, it was beginning to sound like a good place, especially since all of his friends would be there... and... Lance... would be there...

What!? Keith nearly chocked on his own breath, why would he care if Lance would be there? For god's sake what was wrong with him? Lance was such a dumbass - why should he care about a dumbass? Even if the dumbass had... hugged him when he was sad... and had touched his cheek to get rid of some syrup... (see chapters 3 & 4 ;) that didn't mean anything. It didn't mean anything at all. It was just a sign of friends... a sign of friendly rival-ship - that was all.

Anyways, he needed to practise. At least practise the choreography for his first performance to his chosen music.


"Hey Keith....."

"Keeeeeeeeeiiith..." There appeared to be a strange noise, what was it?


Keith blinked stupidly for a few seconds, before he processed that Lance was trying to communicate with him.

"Ummm... yeah?" he asked, confused.

"Are you okay? You've been kinda out of it..." Lance asked, general concern laced in his voice,

"Yeah... just really tired," he yawned in reply,

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