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Keith had been looking through multiple job descriptions throughout the whole morning and he was completely exhausted. But, then, who wouldn't be exhausted from scrolling through masses of stuff on the internet? He needed this job desperately if he was to have any chance of getting the funds to go to P.D.A. But, it felt pointless - everything seemed to have a problem with it - the job at McDonald was to gross for him, the window cleaning job had too many heights, the car counting was far too boring, the shop assistant role had far too may hours and not enough pay... e.t.c the list went on.

To take a break, he decided that the best option was to go and grab some caffeine, so he went to the kitchen. However, Keith was on a roll of unfortunate events - so of course, there was no coffee left. Keith wanted to sit on the floor and cry with despair - as all people do when there is no coffee, nevertheless, he thought of a much better idea - and that was an excuse to go to Starbucks.

Luckily, it only was a five minute stroll from his house to reach Starbucks, which was super convenient for when these types of situations were to occur - as they often did.

Grabbing his wallet and his favourite jacket, he made his way out of the door, into the cold yet bright day outside - it was around early March and the weather still had a bite to it, which brought a sense of crispness to the air, it had already been two months since Shiro had gone missing - most likely dead. Two months since he had seen Shiro's smile...

No... You need to stop...

He slapped himself in the face, he needed to concentrate on other stuff for the time being - there was no point in "wallowing in despair," (as Lance had put it) when he needed to concentrate on finding a job and practicing for the entrance exam. He strode forwards, with much confidence whilst walking past the park, towards Starbucks.

It didn't take him long before he reached the cafe, he opened the door, then went into the hustle and bustle of people chattering. It was warm and stuffy, a large contrast to outside, and smelt of coffee beans. He loved the smell of coffee beans.

Keith awkwardly shuffled inside to join the small queue, he wasn't really comfortable in crowded spaces - but he could deal with it. It took a few minutes before it was finally his turn to order, a guy with blonde hair and freckles took his order before asking for his name.

As soon as Keith had said his name, the blonde guy moved to the side to write the name with a black marker. Then, abruptly, the tall lanky guy with tanned skin who was standing behind him - making drinks - spun around in a frantic manner.

"Keith! Haha I knew it was you - only you could tell someone their name in such a pissed voice," laughed the guy,

"Lance...!?" asked a bewildered Keith, Lance seemed to be everywhere for some weird reason. It was pissing him off.

"Nice to see you too," Lance replied sarcastically,

"Yeah, yeah," he paused, "I didn't know you had a job, Lance," Keith asked, not without interest,

"Yeah, the ever so awesome Lance has a job," Lance laughed again,

"Shut up," Keith smiled,

"Hey - I've got a lunch break in ten mins - d'yanna save me a seat?"

"Sure, if you want to sit next to me that badly," Keith joked,

"I sure do..."

Keith blushed a little, and yet again, covered it with a cough. However, a cough couldn't stop Lance from noticing the embarrassment. Lance smiled as he watched Keith fumble to a seat.

It had been about quarter of an hour that Keith had sat there, coffee cup clutched in his hand. Staring out of the window with a dry interest, he startled as someone suddenly poked him in the back.

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