thirteen ✧ || taunting

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"Is it weird that I was actually starting to like school?"

Noah scoffed, but Jay was only able to tell given that their heads were touching. "Yes, that's weird."

Hours had passed since the crew had been tossed into the school's basement, and they were desperate to kill time until it got dark enough that they could attempt to sleep. Noah and Jay, after jokingly tackling one another in the centre of the room, flopped into laying as they had when they were children: facing opposite directions, their gazes cast to the ceiling, but the tops of their heads touching.

"Only nerds are allowed to like school." Dustin claimed from a few paces away. He was seated on one of the mats they had been tossed by The Professor, his weight resting between his crossed legs. He absentmindedly picked at it's stone exterior, seeing if he could carve anything into it with a rogue nail he snagged from the other end of the room. He lifted up the nail to examine in, picking at a spot of rust. "Like Ray."

Raymond, who had been flipping a penny out of boredom, nodded. "He's right, Jay."

"Ugh, I don't want that." He groaned. "I'll lose my cred."

Noah, cracked a teasing smile. "What cred?"

"The cool twin cred!" He claimed, tossing his hands to the side as if it was obvious. "I worked hard to get to that point."

"You were there for two days."

"Two and a half, thank you very much." He spat sarcastically to Dustin, shooting him a cautionary glare. Dustin smirked and turned away. "I only really held that cred in drama class anyways."

Noah sighed through his nose, his eyes closing as he felt his twin's head turn back to its previous position. "That was our best class without a doubt."

Raymond smiled, albeit small, well aware that neither of the twins could see it. "Math was the best for me."

"Oh, of course nerd." Jay claimed through a laugh.

Raymond smirked, twirling his coin once more. "I was good at it. Besides, I liked our teacher."

"You don't need to be good at a class to like it." Dustin claimed, paused his weight-picking to focus on Raymond. "I think my favourite class was art."

Noah snorted. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," he began matter-of-factually. "I sucked at it, but it was entertaining."

"You hated it on the first day." Jay claimed through a laugh. "You complained from the moment we met up until we got home."

"That was before I learned you didn't need to be good at it to enjoy it."

"Speaking of the tree," Raymond began, pushing himself to sit up straight. "Colten,"

Hearing his name captured the blonde's interest. He was leaning against the right wall of the room, the one which was closest to the rest of the group. Beside him was Aubrey, head leaned back, the drugs she was force-fed continuing to make her loopy.

"I'm sorry that you don't get to see your girlfriend anymore."

At the statement, Aubrey sat upright, turning her attention to the male at her side. Both of the twins, perfectly in sync, flipped their attention to the male as well, playful smirks adorned.

Colten rolled his eyes, a hand combing through his distraught hair. "That is not it at all."

Jay, from his position on the floor began to hum at his claim. "Go Colten! Only two days at school and he already scored a girl."

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