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"Okay, so we have everything that I think we will need," I said loading the last bag into the van.

"The cops said that the hit in the head killed him  Since he was a zombie your not going to jail," Amy said standing in the doorway.

"How lucky am I, Tyler and Ethan will be here soon but, let's get inside. I don't want one sneaking up on us."

We got inside and turned the news on,

"Two more cases since last night has been reported." the news person said.

"Great, So I packed all the food that does not have peanuts in them, we have bottles filled with water. I also put bottles of water in the cup carriers in the van." Amy said standing next to me.

"Chica's stuff is all packed, I only grabbed a few toys but we have enough food for her for a couple months. "Hopefully Tyler and Ethan don't have too much to bring, it will be a tight fit in the van but it is the biggest car we have."

"Good thing you just fixed the A.C. and everything else wrong with it."

"Hey open the door!" Tyler screamed.

I opened the door and they both came in with a few bags each, I closed the door behind them.

"Everything I think that we will need I brought," Tyler said.

"We will need to leave soon, more cases have popped up," I said.

"How long will we be gone?" Amy asked.

"I don't know. I do want to hit a store and get a few more things, we need gas I have empty tanks in the van." I said grabbing the keys. We got their bags in and loaded Chica in. "Everyone ready to go?"

"Yeah, but I need to go over something with you guys, can we talk in the house?" Tyler said pulling a bag out of the van.

We all walked into the house.

"Okay, so I know this could be the end of the world, but just to make sure we are all okay I went and bought some things last night." Tyler opened up the bag and pulled out a couple different guns and knives.

"Tyler where the fuck did you get these?" I asked.

"I know a guy, look these are not permitted so please don't use them unless you need too."

"The knives too?" Ethan asked.

"He gave them to me for free, He also gave me a few bulletproof vests for when we get into a bad area."

"Amy is getting one," I said.

"Deal, we just need to keep this quite."

"Pack it all back up and we will keep it in the van, traffic is going to suck ass so we need to leave now," I said.

"Do you think we can make a video explain to the fans that we are gone?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, let's leave for a little before we do that," I said checking the house one last time. "Let's go."

We got into the car and headed out,

"When did you want to go to the gas station?" Tyler asked.

"There is a cheap one a few blocks down, we have food packed away but we should all get some more."

"Sounds good."

when we got to the gas station I filled the tanks up as Amy and Tyler went in to get some snack.

"Are you scared?" Ethan asked petting Chica.

"Yeah, I thought this was all a joke but it's not. We can die. our only hope is to get six states over without anyone coming in contact with this."

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