21 (happy)

91 5 2

Amy's Pov

We have been on the road for a few days, Tyler someone found a gas station that was still working and rigged it to where we don't have to pay for it. He filled up a lot of gas tanks and we stored them in the back.

"Where are we?" Mika asked looking out of the window.

"Used to be Kansas," Tyler said.

"Where are we heading to?" I asked.

"Part of Mississippi has been cleaned out, the government cleared it out and is trying to rebuild there," Mark said.

"What if it is another trap? Just like all of the save houses!" I looked up at him.

"It's a chance we need to take." He didn't look happy with the plan, but it's the only thing we have.

"It's going to be a few more days on the road. Soon we are going to be passing a really bad area. It was hit multiple times with the poison so all windows up and no going outside. We will also need to wear our masks." Tyler said.

"I still don't understand how you got there," Ethan said playing with his mask.

"I have my ways."

I snuggled into Mark as my eyes started to close. We have been stuck in this van for such a long time. I need to calm down or I'm going to go crazy. Mark played with my fingers helping me calm down.

"Go to sleep honey, I'll wake you up at our next stop," Mark said.

I nodded my head then fell asleep in his lap.

When I woke up the dogs were barking and was on the floor with a blanket over me.

"We will give you whatever supplies you want," Ethan said.

"We need things to survive." An unknown man said.

"Why can't we just share?" Mika asked.

"There are four of you with two dogs and three of us. There is not enough to share."

They don't know I'm under the blanket, Mark moved his foot onto my back, he knows I'm awake.

"Get the dogs to shut up!"

"They are barking because you are threatening us," Mark said.

"Get then to shut up."

"Go away and they will."

I heard what sounded like a gun being cocked.

"Get that away from her!" Ethan said.

"Awe, look at the little guy sticking up for his girlfriend." A couple of different voices laughed.

As they were laughing there was a loud thud with the sound of the door closing. Tyler stepped on the gas and drove off.

"Stay put." He told me not taking his foot off of me.

I heard the window being rolled down then a few seconds later a bunch of gunshots.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Ethan," Mark said, I felt Mark sunk down to me and hold me. "Everything is okay."

I moved the blanket away from my face, "Mika! Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, Ethan pushed him out of the car."

"What happened?" I asked looking up at Mark.

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