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Ethan's Pov

We all have been taking turns driving, right now I am driving as everyone else is sleeping. We have been on the road for 2 days now. There was a gas station that no one was working at, there was a sign that said pumps are ridge, take what you need. So we did. we have 4 10 gallons tanks filled in the back, I swear this van can hold an army! We got more than what we needed becuase we didn't know if this place was going to be able to hold us. 

Chica nudged my arm,

"You gotta go potty?" I asked her.

Her tail wagged fast hitting Mark's leg.

"What's going on?" He asked waking up.

"Chica has to go potty, there looks to be a wooded area about 2 miles out. Can you wait for 2 miles chica?" I asked looking at the GPS.

She sat on the floor, hopefully, that is a yes.

"I have to pee as well so I will take her," Tyler said waking up.

"We might as well all go, we will be in the car for another day," I said.

"How are we on gas?" Mark asked.

"Half a tank, do you think we should fill up too?" I asked.

"Yeah, better be safe."

When I pulled the van into the brush Amy woke up.

"What's going on?" She freaked.

"Bathroom break," Mark said holding her, "Tyler why don't you go first and take Chica, I will fill the tank up then when you guys come back we can switch out."

"Sounds good." Tyler leashed Chica up then headed out, I saw his gun in his waistband.

"You okay?" Mark asked Amy.

"Yeah, I just can't wait for this to be over."

We watched Chica and Tyler head for a couple trees, once they where hidden Mark jumped out of the van and grabbed a tank to fill the van up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Amy.

"A little but I will be okay, How about you?"

"I'm good. Hopefully, when we get to this safe zone we will be safe."

"Everything happens for a reason, we will be fine we just need to stick together."

"Aren't you scared?"

"Shit less, but what good is that going to do? I need to be strong. What about you?"

"Same but I agree, we need to stick together. Whatever happens, we can't stop." 

"Everything okay in here?" Tyler asked as Chica jumped in.

"Yeah, whose turn is it?" Amy asked.

"Mark is still filling up the tank so Ethan do you want to go and I will keep watch?"

"Sure," I said taking my seat belt off. I got out of the van and walked over to Tyler.

"We will be right back," Tyler said to Mark.

We walked towards the trees that he and Chica were just at. 

"There are some trees over here that will cover you, I'll keep watch."

"Thank you." I walked over to the trees, I looked over at Tyler and he kept looking around. Good thing I only had to pee!

I undid my pants made a marking on the tree when I was done I fixed my pants and peeked over to where Tyler was. He wasn't there anymore. I looked around but I didn't see him. I started to walk but I can't remember what way we came from, I started to feel my heart pounding and my breathing got very fast. My legs felt like they were made of steel, I sat on the ground making myself small so I can calm down.

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