Santa Fe High School

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May 18, 2018

Many of you know that I live in Texas, Houston to be more specific. Today, I found out about a school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, almost an hour away from where I live, and I'm now very upset.

It has been 22 school shootings this year, way too many for my comfort. This one being closer to where I live, really got to me. I am sort of being scared to attend school now, when there can be a shooting at any minute.

During the last week of February, my school had a shooting threat too, for March 1st. The school did nothing about it, and many kids did not show up to school, in fear of a shooting. Even worse, we had our first shooter drill in April, two months after our threat. There was also another situation when a student smuggled a gun onto campus, which we were not informed of.

In fact, my school didn't even tell us about the shooting that happened today. I had to find out from a classmate. I'm now very upset, and not ready to attend class Monday.

I send my condolences to all the victims of Santa Fe, and every other victim of a school massacre.

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