[ 37 ] frozen

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" there was no more running. Only fighting. The desperate need for what you want, ending in violence. "

It was silent

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It was silent.

Every single grounder in the room was anticipating poison, thinking the worst of our leaders. It's not like they're completely wrong though. We've all done things. Some more than others.

As we stand around the table, filled with food that wafts through the air smelling like home, grounders stare daggers, Raven not even bothering to look at them. We were all doing our best, and it wasn't enough.

The man on Lexa's opposite side takes a sip. All eyes on him, as Clarke briefly makes eye contact with me. I nod slightly, knowing she can handle herself. If they were to believe that Clarke is our leader, they are not wrong. She is the best choice. Not Marcus, or Abby, or Bellamy and I. It's always been Clarke who knew what was best, which hard decisions to make and which ones not too.

Once the drink is cleared, Lexa clears her throat before speaking to gain everyone's attention. It is silent, her power radiating throughout the room heavily. It was fear she used.

    "Today we celebrate our newfound peace. Tomorrow, we plan our war," Lexa looks around the group, eyes landing on me last as she raises her cup. "To those we lost. And to those we shall soon find."

It was a subtle punch in the gut, a reminder of everything I had lost so suddenly. I want to double over, puke out what little food I had eaten and scream and yell. But I stand, neutral and unblinking. Focusing on the task at hand, focusing on making this truce last because that's why Finn died.

Lexa raises her glass to Clarke, who smiles lightly, doing the same in return.

Then all hell breaks loose.

The guard that had drank the alcohol doubles over, collapsing on the table with a grunt, mouth foaming. My mouth falls open, the sinking feeling returning in my stomach. There was no way this could be happening, no way this truce could be ending so soon.

Immediately, I rush over to try and help, or do anything that I can. He just flinches away with a glare at my touch, flying back against the wall violently. "He was poisoned," I breathe, leaning down beside him.

I look back at Bellamy and Clarke, the fear evident in my eyes. Shaking my head, the two know there's hardly any way they'll trust us again even if we didn't do it. No one brought poison.

    "You are filthy Skaikru," A man hisses, pulling me up roughly with force, disregarding the crutches that fall out of my hand. I don't fight against him, too afraid to make anything worse, wincing at the hard movement.

Bellamy immediately notices, beginning to advance on the man, eyes gleaming. "Get off of her you son of a-"  His hands ball into fists, when I shake my head warning him not too.

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