1. Although the fandom may consider Craig to be the one to have piercings and smoke, Kenny it's actually the one that follows this. He has snakebites, a left nostril piercing, nipple piercings and wants to get a Jacob's Latter (If you do not know what this is then do not look it up).
2. The truth is, Kenny had a crush on his sister. He thought that she was so beautiful, sweet, etc. He was infatuated with her. When he found out that incest it's bad, he tried to move on. Truth is, he still gets all starry eyed when she kisses his cheeks.
3. Similarly to how he always dies, Kenny cannot get fevers, illnesses, etc. For example, he got chicken pox but will nEVER get shingles, as his body will not allow for it. Or AIDS; He may catch it for a few days, but then it will go away. The only things that stay are cognitive.
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