Craig Tucker

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1. Craig is an ultimate homo. He ends up being the stereotypical gay guy. He has the voice and everything. 

2. In relationships, he appears to be the top (seme) in most, however he actually loves to bottom (uke). Something about it makes him happy.

3. He has very crooked teeth, and no thanks to getting in a lot of fights as a child. Craig is forced to get a retainer and braces because of this. Still, he thinks that he looks absolutely stunning in them.

(I may or may not find braces hot.)

4. Without even realizing it, Craig will often quote teen drama movies. These specifically being: Mean Girls, Bring it On, and High School musical. However, he is a huge 80s movie nerd as well (Dirty Dancing, The Shining, etc). It is just the personality that he says which inspire his sassy Regina George comments.

 It is just the personality that he says which inspire his sassy Regina George comments

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