PART ONE - The New New Kids

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"Target acquired."

I was muttering it to myself, but I knew my voice would carry through the comlinks to Ash.

"Focus, Assassin Hotshot," Ash advised from her hidden viewpoint, and I shook my head.

How was I supposed to focus with people commanding me around all the time?

I turned to the target — a middle-aged man, leaning towards old, wearing a dark blue suit and glancing around suspiciously. I was on the rooftops, so I felt sure he wouldn't see me from the heightened terrace of the restaurant across the street.

I breathed in, taking aim. I didn't have time for distractions. I fired, just as Ash yelled.


I knew I'd missed before my shot hit the table. The fancy candle toppled over and the tablecloth burst into flames. My target pushed his chair over to get away, vaulting almost effortlessly over the railing and running off down the street.

I cursed, before sprinting over the rooftops in the same direction. He was moving fast, and every now and then I needed to leap to cross over to the next roof.

"You did that on purpose!" I shouted through the comlinks, and Ash didn't even bother deny it.

I wish they'd stop trying to improve my concentration by yelling at me in the middle of assignments...

He was looking around cautiously now, trying to figure out if I had followed him. I ducked behind a chimney, gathering concentration.

I stepped out from behind the chimney, located my target, aimed, breathed, and fired in one fluid motion.

A moment later, the man in the blue suit collapsed to the ground.

"Mission accomplished," I reported to Ash, turning around and dashing off across the rooftops in the opposite direction of the scene.

Down below, the man in the blue suit slowly got up, reassuring the people around him that he was okay. His suit was rather singed, revealing a fire-and-bulletproof vest underneath.

Out of one scorched pocket he took a phone, pressed a number on speed dial and reported.

"Fury, I believe someone has just attempted to kill me."

With that he put his phone back into his pocket, and turned around.

Seconds later Phil Coulson was gone.


PART ONE — The New New Kids

Note: There might be spoilers for CHASM, as this is the sequel, so preferably read that first. If you're a rebel, go ahead an do whatever you want. Just please keep voting, commenting and recommending this book to others, I love hearing from you guys!


As Bruce Banner entered Fury's office, he recognised the reports on the computer screen that both Phil Coulson and Nick Fury himself were studying. They were a collection of articles and descriptions of the mysterious assassin that seemed almost entirely focused on SHIELD agents, of which he'd already killed at least twenty.

"The problem," Coulson stated, "is that he, or she, is not regular in any way. The one time he'll strike from the roof, the next from amidst the crowd. Sometimes in disguise, sometimes in plain sight. He's completely unpredictable."

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