3 - I'm here

415 11 2

Matt's pov

She didn't do anything... She just let him beat the living shit out of her. She didn't scream or cry loudly.

"Don't you dare to say anything to police, you know how it'll end!" That Cameroon bitch yelled at Amelia. He stepped in his car and drove away.

I ran up to her. She didn't see me because her face was facing ground. "Hey, Amelia, get up." I softly said to her trying to pick her up. She looked up. Her face was messed up. Nose bleeding, red puffy eyes, her lips were bleeding and her face was covered in bruises.

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you Amelia." I said almost crying. I don't even know why I want to cry! Like the fuck?! I just met her but I am crying over her already? "Don't look at me" She said and covered her face "Why?" I asked her "I don't want to see me! I'm uglier than I was! You hate me! You don't want to see me! I'm ugly, worthless, waste of space and the least thing you could do now is, not care about me!" She cried out loud. I didn't dare to say anything to her. I just hugged her. She was surprised. She didn't hug back, instead of hugging me she rolled up in my lap and cried.

I didn't tell her It will be ok, he is going to change and shit like that, because once a dick, always a dick.

I called taxi and took her to her place.

I knocked on her front door and a guy maybe 15 or 16 years old opened it. "What happened to her? Who are you, and if you did this to my baby sister imma kick your ass so hard you won't even dare to look this way of the town." The guy said. "I'm Amelia's friend, and her boyfriend who's name is Cameroon hit her." I said as calmly as possible, I tried not to start crying, because seeing her like this is killing me, but than again, why? I know her for about 1 or 2 hours. "THAT LITTLE BASTARD" Her brother screamed. "I KNEW I SHOULDN'T LET HIM DATE HER!" He yelled while looking past me "Clean her up while I drive to that little shit's house and hill him" He said and I nodded "Wait wh..." I couldn't even finish my sentences when he was already gone.

I put Amelia on bathroom's sink and started with cleaning up her lips, legs, arms and than face.

"Thank you Matt..." She said while hugging me. To be honest that was the best feeling. She hugged me thightly, I didn't want this to end.


She got dressed in comfy clothes and got under the bedsheets. She started to watch 21 Jumpstreet.

I was about to leave her and give her some space when I heard her say "Please stay here" I looked over my shoulder and she was almost crying. I got into her bed and hugged her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked her "I don't want to be with him, but I don't have any chances to break up with him.." she said while tears started to pour down her face, I looked in deep her eyes "What Do you mean?" I could see she didn't want to answer this question "If you don't want to tell me, it's cool. I don't want to pressure you." I said and hugged her "I'll tell you when I'm ready" she mumbled and I just nodded.

Sorry for this super short chapters and also sorry for not posting for I think 4 days.

See you next time


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