» one

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🌺 | JM

     — "jimin-ah, you're taking so much time. we have to go." mum knocks again.

     "just a minute!" i shouted. i'm still finding my favorite shirt. for pete's sake! I'm getting insane, where the hell did I put it?

     "hurry up!" she gave one last loud knock. I just pick a pair of black socks and wear any shirt that I see. i go in front of my full length mirror. it's fine. i brush my orange hair before heading out.

     today, mum will meet her childhood friend and she wants me go with her because her friend will also bring her son and she requested too.

     "i'm sorry." I mouthed. mum is talking to someone on her phone, maybe her friend. she waves at me to come over and ring the keys on her hands. i get the keys and leave the house first as she continue to talk with someone and so I could bring the car in front.

     this makes me lazy so much. i hate going out but mum insisted. and i cant do anything about it. ugh why did i born with a good heart?

     i waited mum for almost ten minutes 'cause i think they chatted again and they cant wait to talk about it personally. she kept knocking back there and now she's the one who i need to wait. tsk mums.

     i drive and mum guided me. she pointed a coffee shop at the right side so I stop in front of it. mum got out of the car and i need to park the car near the shop before going after.

     i enter the shop and find mum only to see her, already chatting with her friend. when she saw me, mum wave at me and i walk towards them. they stand up and mum introduce me to a beautiful lady in 40s.

     "this is my son, jimin. jimin, she's mina my friend. she owns this shop." mum said. i bowed to her. "hello auntie. nice to meet you."

     "it's nice meeting you too, jimin. she's so pretty i wish jeongguk's here to accompany you too bad he cant come. im so sorry."

      "oh no it's okay, mina. he can manage." we only smile to one another before sitting down.

     a vanilla frappe is in front of me. the two starts the conversation and i hear nothing but about their childhood memories and then love life and so on.

     i take a sip. i love vanilla flavor drinks and sweets so it means i love this frappe. this shop isn't that far from home so i think i can come here after work and weekends. though i'm still on a vacation for one more week, maybe i will just come here and chill and to start preparing for my next project since i have nothing to do. i rested too much. i'm getting more lazy.

     "jimin is a manager in an art company. he often go abroad with his staffs for art works and such." mum said and she's in awe. i just smile.

     "wow! that's nice. oh i really wish that kookie's here so you can bond. you two have the same likes. he likes arts too." she commented. the way she tell it like she wants me and her son to be besties too like her and mum. well that depends on jeongguk if he treat me well, he seems a bad ass. he didn't even spare time for his mother's wants. i hate that kind of kid.

     "maybe he's just doing some school requirements. let him be. it's his last year in college right?" mum. i started listening more to the conversation since we have a high chance of meeting one of these days, i need a background information.

     "yes. hoping that he will graduate." she said and with that statement, that guy is really a hardheaded one.

     they continue talking and im not interested anymore. i excuse myself to get something in the car but i am actually going out because i'm really bored and i have nothing to tell them.

     the sun's going down. it will be dark soon so i stand in a corner waiting for the sun to vanish. i always love sunsets and even sunrise. it's a beautiful art, an overtaking masterpiece. i was quietly watching and enjoying the the peaceful place. the shop is near the ocean. just across the road.

     "will you stop following me?" an irritated voice interrupt my peaceful space. i look at the two people, a boy and a girl. the boy look really irritated because of the girl. and the girl looks desperate but weak.

     "i wont stop not until you come back to me. be mine again, kookie." she pleads, clasping on his hands. but he remove the girl's grip harshly that she even move from where she stands to another.

     "no. we never had a thing. i just hit you one fvcking time and that's enough. get lost bitch." he turn around and walks away from the tearing her.

     that was awful but childish. i don't understand teens right now. they are more sexual and so into love when they cant even pass their grades and graduate 'cos they end up getting pregnant or wasted.

     i go back inside after that commotion. coming back, a guy is already seated opposite to my seat.

     "oh you're back." i sit again only to see the boy, who i saw a while ago outside, sitting in front of me.

    "jimin, meet my son jungkook. jk, this is jimin. minji's son." miss mina introduced him. he smiled sweetly, innocently. like nothing happened.

     "hi." the only word i can say. "hi. i'm happy to meet you, babyboy." he said. i dont know if i heard it right but i just wish i misheard it. but then again, i just smiled.

— 🥀 —

" i wish we never met

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" i wish we never met. "

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