» seven

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🎈 Happy 5th Anniversary Bangtan! 🎊
this chapter isn't as happy as today but this is my gift for everyone for today's event, especially to those who are reading :)

— since i cant watch the late late show and the prom party later because of the poor signal, please leave comments for bangtan's 5th year. i'll be glad if you do. that would be enough to make me calm 😅

thank you so much :))


     — jimin let the hot water flow all over his body. thinking of what happened downstairs and can't help but to think of what will happen later. and that was when he remembered that jeongguk gonna sleep in his house tonight. "did he ask permission to his mom? miss mina agreed?" he was curious so he finished quikly so he could go and check if jeongguk does told his mother about staying here.

     he changed in a simple black pullover and navy blue jogging pants. and wear his comfy slippers. he look at the clock. "six." he said and took his phone before walking out his room.

     he then hesitated. his battling with his mind on what to really do. he's nervous and shy right now after the scene. he didn't know how he could let that happen. how he remembers the day he told jeongguk he's straight and how he hates his moves. he just hate him this morning and now... "fuck. i'm not gay, am i?" he talk to himself right in front of his room. "but fuck again. not with that playboy." he again whispered to himself. he creases his eyes, turning them into lines. how could being gay frustrates him. how could being a gay for jeongguk makes him insane. and— "how could everything just happened that fast?" he said it. park jimin is whipped.

     he was move away from his thoughts when his phone beeps. an unknown number just texted him.

good evening, mister park. i forget to tell you that you have a lunch meeting tomorrow with the Avilla Art's design team. 

—this is min yoongi by the way :)

     he saved yoongi's number in his contacts while walking to the left room. Typing his reply, he knocks twice.

noted. thanks :)

     after that, no one opens the door. "ju–" the door isn't locked. he peeks inside and see nothing, he get in.

     he's still in the shower. a song is playing on a mini speaker on the side table. his bag is slightly open on the chair and white papers are on the study table.

     he looks at those, thinking they are some of jeongguk's works in school. but before he could go near, the bathroom's door flew open. jk comes out, humming the song. he's dripping wet and has only a towel wrapped on his waist. jimin lose his breath. "what a breathtaking view." he whispered and jk gaze at him. he looks away immediately but his eyes landed on jeongguk's body. really a masterpiece, he thought.

     he became more nervous, he feels those pair of eyes looking at him. "i uhm... i-i just want to know if y-you... your mom know about you, sleeping here tonight?"  he had a hard time telling it. he's distracted of his body and how hot he looks right now.

     jeongguk smirks before grabbing another towel on the bed to dry his hair and also his body at least. "she knows." a simple reply and he took his oversize plain white t shirt and wears it.

     jimin just watch him but then he quickly shut his eyes close when jk unwrapped the towel on his waist without warning. he covers his face and jeongguk laughs so loud. "what the fckin' fuc, jeon jeongguk!" he shouted on the top of his lungs. jeongguk's laugh became louder and louder that he think he's just in front of him.

     "don't you think it's time for dinner? i'll be fine if you serve as my dinner–"

     "oh please stop." he's voice went weak so jk became worried and held his elbows. "please, stop. i'm getting so fcking insane hearing those words of yours." jimin met jk's chest. jk hugs him, he dont know if he will hate himself for making jimin insane or if he will rejoice that he got this so much effect on jimin. he is also confused.

     "i'm sorry, baby. i–" he was again cut off. "jeongguk, please." jimin pull himself out from his hug. he uncovers his face. jeongguk clenches his jaw and felt his heart throbs when he saw those tears coming out from jimin's beautiful eyes. he hates it. he hates it so much.

     "please, don't play with me." jimin said as he sobs more. stepping back little by little as he turn his head from side to side. jk tried to reach him but he go away.

     "hyung..." he got weaker than jimin's. "i'm not playing with you. no. i won't do that to you. will never." he wants to hold him. he wants him to feel how he really meant it. he's not playing. he wont fool himself, he will not fool jimin either.

     "i love you, hyung." a tear escaped jk's left eye. those words don't satisfy jimin. he will not let jeongguk deceive him from his drama. he'll not be one of those girls who he hits when he wants to and leave them after his thirst is quenched. he saw him breaking a girl's heart, he will also break mine he said in mind. he will not believe him. all of these are fake. it's all fake love, jimin.

     "hyung." jeongguk step closer and jimin step back. jimin's back met the table's edge, he's stuck. the younger hold his face, wiping his tears away with his thumbs.

     "go away, guk." jimin pulled the trigger. jeongguk's tears fell nonstop. these were those tears that he kept from falling this morning. he don't want to be weak in front of jimin. he want to strong for the both of them.

     jeongguk bit his lower lip, trying not to make any sob. that was too much for him but he can't go away like what jimin ask him to do.

     "it hurts so f–cking much that you don't trust me, to see you crying because of me. it hurts so f–cking much that you're pushing me away!"

     "because you'll hurt me that f–cking much too!"

" love happened so fast. "

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