Chapter Seven

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Bella's POV

I hadn't worn a dress in a few weeks. Today was the first time. No more bandaging on my arm, just a scar. A pretty nasty one. I planned on getting tattooed over it once it was completely healed. Or at least as healed as it was going to get.

I had on a short black cocktail dress with shiny white heels, diamonds on my neck ears and fingers, and my hair was piled on top of my head with loose curls spilling around my face and the nape of my neck. I had on circular tinted sunglasses.

I was waiting at lunch for my best female friend, Lulu Emerson. She was mixed and absolutely beautiful. We always joked that if we liked women we would date each other.

She had been visiting her grandmother in Africa for the past months, as she was sick and wouldn't live much longer. I had missed her terribly.

Me and Lulu met when I was eliminating a band of small time gangsters terrorizing Miami Beach. They had my poor Lu tied up, beaten, and thank God not yet sexually assaulted, but they were planning on it. I slit the fuckers' throats for it.

Lulu entered the restaurant and her dazzling smile appeared on her face. I smiled back and stood up with my arms opened. She rushed into them and we hugged tightly for a long moment before sitting down.

"Fuck, Bella, I missed your crazy ass." Lulu told me as she took a sip of the champagne I had ordered for us.

"I missed you as well, Lu." I said with a huge smile. We were literally partners in crime.

Lulu was the owner of a random office I had set up just for her. I kept her in legitimate business, not wanting her to ever get caught up in what I do legally. But that didn't stop her from helping me pretty much all of the time. We killed, sold, and dealt together.

We ate lunch and she told me all about her time back in Africa. "That sounds like it was a wonderful trip, Lu, I'm so happy for you. You told Grams I said hello, didn't you?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course, girl. She misses you." Lulu told me.

"I miss her as well. If only I could have made time for it." I replied and lit up a cigarette.

"So. I have a new business partner." I told her and she got the hint. I always had new partners. "Tell me everything." She replied and I laughed.

"Tony Montana. Unlike any fucker you'll ever meet. Balls of absolute steel. Guy tells the absolute truth no matter what. Scared of nothin' and shows it." I told her and her eyes widened.

"Interesting. Is he cute?" She asked and I laughed again. "He has a scar that cuts through his eyebrow down to below his eye." I informed her. "That sounds sexy." She said and took a sip of champagne.

I shrugged in agreement. "He likes me." I told her simply. She gasped, her mouth open. "Of course he does, look at you mama, but men like you everyday all day. You mentioning him means that you like him as well." She said with a smug look.

I sighed. "He's okay, Lu, but I don't date men. Not after.. you know why. I got so much to handle and take care of. I can't be distracted." I told her.

"Bella. Listen to me. You are the owner of a fucking empire. You are the greatest of the greatest. You did all this by yourself, you came from nothing. You deserve somebody to enjoy it with. He's in the same line of business, which is much better than being with some average guy. You won't have to hide anything. Fucking go for it." She finished.

She was right, I couldn't lie. "We'll just see what happens, Lu," was all I responded with.

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