Chapter Four

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Bella's POV

"Another scotch, Ms. Mancini?" The waiter asked me. I nodded and got out a cigarette. Tony lit it for me without me asking as he and Manny conversed across the booth.

I was in the middle of the two. The horrid comedian was still on stage and began introducing someone else on.

A man in a ridiculous costume came out onto the stage and began dancing. Strangers in the night. I shook my head, yawning in boredom. What the fuck was this shit?

A spotlight spun around the club slowly. I puffed on my cigarette and took the shot of scotch when it was brought back to me. When the blasts of gunshots tore through the club, I did not expect it. Nor did I expect to be hit.

"Fanculo!" I screamed in fury. The bullet went in and out of my arm and I thankfully said a silent prayer like the religious hypocrite that I was. My gun was out in a matter of seconds.

Before I could shoot I felt strong arms wrap around me and throw me onto the floor in front of the dead body of the man in the costume that was just performing. He had about twelve bullet holes throughout his body.

I wanted to shoot every motherfucker in the place, but Tony held me down as he shot at what I assumed to be the assassins with one hand, the other arm covering me. "Fuck, Tony, let me shoot!" I yelled.

He ignored me, his dark eyes wide in rage and concentration as he kept shooting in the same direction. I screamed in frustration.

In a matter of seconds Tony jumped up and flung me over his shoulder as shots were still being sent our way. He finally took down the shooter and spun around, frantically looking for Manny.

"Mano! You drive to my mansion and pick up Chi-Chi and Erney. Tell them what happened. Tell them I got to take care of her." He said anxiously, completely shooken up. It surprised me to see him this way.

I seen Manny nod frantically at Tony's orders, his eyes wide in panic over me. "You keep pressure on that wound, you hear?" He yelled to me as he ran out the door.

Tony ran out behind him and reached into his pocket, pressing a button to unlock the doors to his Porsche. He gently placed me in the passenger seat, shut the door, and flew around the car to the drivers side.

He sped out of the first class parking space, blaring his horn at the horrified guests in the street that were escaping from the Babylon. I groaned in anger and pain, pressing down on my wound. "Fuck, sweetheart. You okay?" Tony winced over at me.

"I had worse." I spat, my Italian accent always showed a little more when I was in pain. More like agony.

My earpiece beeped in an emergency ringtone and I lifted my left arm, the one that didn't have a hole in it, to answer. "Fanculo! Capo! Are you okay? Are you okay?" Pisano cried.

"I'm okay, amore, I'm okay. Got a hole in my right arm but I'll live. I'm with Montana in his car right now. Give me the current address of Serio and I'll have Tony take me there now." I ordered.

After Pisano gave me the address and screamed that he would find out who did this immediately, I hung up the call.

"Tony." I murmured.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He replied softly, taking his eyes off the road and focusing them on me instead.

"I got a doctor. Under my payroll. He live at 1467 Sunset Drive. You take me there so I can get patched up?" I asked in a weak voice. I was slowly going unconscious.

I seen a blurry Tony nod his head and felt him brush his fingers gently across my cheek before I blacked out, warm blood oozing from my wound as I could no longer apply pressure to it.

note- thank you all so, so much for all the love. i love you all it means the world to me when people enjoy my writing. <3 some of my chapters will be very long and some semi-short like this one. i work late almost everyday and write when i get home. i am gonna post a chapter to this story every night though.
thank you again. 💖 -rayven.

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