~Chapter 2~ Kahan Phas Gaye😥

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Many asked about Manik's POV, probably in next chapter I'll be giving it.

Its Monday morning. Not my day. No body's day actually. I wonder if Mr. GRUMPY MALHOTRA is home. Probably Not! I haven't got any chance since our last encounter to talk to him. He did what he wished.

He was snoring on my bed for hours after we talked, while poor me settled myself on nearby couch muttering whatever incoherent words I have stored for my amazing life-sucking husband.

After that we had our dinner in silence where he was in no mood to talk anything and later we both got retired to our OWN respective rooms.
I check my smart phone for date and time. It shows 8 am. I realized I have less time to get ready, my friend would be here soon to pick me for office. I push away the covers and quickly make a dash to our bathroom for freshening up. Right as I'm about to take a shower, my wonderful husband parades in! Has he ever heard about knocking? As in privacy and dignity? Apparantely not!

"You could knock." I say boring holes in him through my eyes.

"I could also care, but I don't" Manik gives a indifferent look and shares a look which said he has something important to say.

"What do you want" I asks him giving him most identical glare, but my is a little softer than his if you compare. Ugh!

"My parents have called they want us to visit them this weekend." Is he serious? What I am here for family exhibition! I snarl under breathe.
I am not sure whether he heard of anything what I said but he surely turns his eyes heavenwards.

"And Nandini." He starts, I simply look at him. "Please try to behave sane when we are there."

What? What did he just say? Don't I behave sane. I am sane, infact I am the only sanest person in this Zombie Malhotra mansion if he had forgot.

"What do you mean by that mister. Are you saying I am mad or psycho?" I speak widening my eyes at him and he shifts his feet a step back before he nods in no with a funny expression.

So what he is lion but I am no pet here. No one dares to mess up with lioness Nandini Manik Malhotra! Got it?
Did I just say his name with me? Omg. I seriously need a break this man is making me nuts. I scold myself under breathe once again.

And he laughs, Excuse me what is so funny here? I scrunches my nose and gives him a not so funny look. He tries to suppress his laugh before he rubs his nose with his index and comes back to answer.

"See this is what I meant by behaving insane. You always talk with yourself. I may take you this way but I am not sure about my parents take." He fakes his sorrow giving a poker face.

Ugh!!!!! I hate him , I hate him... I can literally dance like a cheerleader singing the same feeling in tune.

"I am sane." I argue, pushing him away with my tiny finger.
Just when I think he would give me a left right and centre right on my face , his lips twitched upward.

"We are going. And you are behaving well. I hope I made myself clear." And he leaves the room, leaving me burning inside with anger. Now I feel why did I complained to Aayiappa about my boring weekends. This is punishment!!

I look at left and then at right and finished my shower. Once I am done I come out and goes straight to kitchen picking up a wine glass I fill it orage juice and then sit at the dining table. Assuming I am getting drunk I sip like a drunker. Wow! It does magic. I almost feel like orange is acting like a toxic to calm me down. I know it can be funny for you all but for me its what I called as medicine , my medicine to preserve myself from getting crazy.

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