~Chapter 9A~ I LOVE YOU

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Dear love,
I will make mistakes,
after all I am not perfect but I will do my best to make them up to you,
I would never hurt you intentionally, I would not give up on you so I hope you don't give up on me too!

~ Sincerely the person that loves you most


The morning rays hits me and I blink my eyes to the sun. I couldn't sleep even for a second. Being exhausted and tired painfully my body demanded some rest from me, my eyes went heavy and my body hurts if I make a move. But could I sleep specially with the guilt of doing wrong thing to my own wife.

What if she take it as a rape? Oh god, she got to understand I didn't rape her, its just the situation forced me into doing this. I swear to god, I never thought of taking any sought of advantage of her. I believed in willing love making, and not the other way.

I got up from next to her and went to check her and mine clothes, thankfully they are dry now. I quickly worn them and managed to get some water percolated in leaf of big plants and dipping my handkerchief into it, I started to clean her body. Mud was sticking to her skin yet she looked most gorgeous woman in my eyes. But the guilt was eating me from within till the extent that I cannot even face her.

I later dressed her up in her clothes, wrapping my jacket on her for more warm. I looked at my princess sleepy forms, she looked so distraught. Its all because of me she is suffering, I want to kill myself for doing this to her. She will hate me, but how can I stand her hatred for heaven sake. I drag myself on near by tree pulling her upper form with me, I placed her head delicately on my lap and waited for her to wake up.

God knows I never wanted to take her like this. I did it only to save her. I hope she understands me and forgive me. Will she stay with me? Will she want us to separate after this? Thoughts like this started to make me feel negative on the situation. How can she leave me, how will I live without her, I love her. Yes I do!

She just need to give me some time to fix up everything for her. I will demolish all worries in her life if she decides to stay and not go. As it is go wont be any option for my wife. She will stay, She has to! If I let her go, I will not only lose her , but also something in me, my soul will be broken for ever. I wont be the same Manik Malhotra ever again.

I look at my beautiful wife who is still in my dreams, I try to smile at her innocence but her moan from the pain casues me sudden discomfort and I punch the tree near by me. I am more pissed on myself than before.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself but my deed and the fear of her unconscious angelic face when I did that with her against her will, came on and on in front of eyes, making me run my hand in my hair in frustration. I stared back down to her face, my eyes filled with tears of her pain. I never wanted anything to hurt her ever, I wished to be her shield for life and now I had only marked her for life....

I covered my face with my hands hating myself into deepest pits of hell for crushing her dreams for marriage life, for making her suffer so much. I just hope she will give me a chance to apologize...


I woke up with a sharp head ache, as if someone is hammering it. I touched my fingers on my forehead to massage them but my this small action cause me to moan in pain. My whole body is aching and sore. I try to blink my eyes a couple of time and regrets it because it hurts real bad. My head is creating a thunder storm in there and my body, it feels so sore. I groan and supported myself to get up. What the hell had happened last night? I tried to think straight but nothing came to me.

I stayed there motionless for few more minutes until I decides to get up and look for Manik. As soon as I am about to get up I feel my bra missing from me, What the?

And that's when it hit me really hard. More painful than a hammer stroke on head. My memories came rushing to my mind and I managed to see few clips of him and me from my memory box. I stabilized my gaze and found myself in his arm. His hands are snaked around on my body firmly yet gently. The little clips that my memory portrayed made me start to panic. I held myself, feeling really dirty and disgusted of my own body. I clutched my own duppata firmly on my hands hoping to erase the pain which I am feeling inside. My head hurts when I think back, what to do. Damn I cant think straight!! Not in this situation, I want to go home. now.

I stood up, with a clouded mind of negativity, hatred, pain and anger in me. As I am getting up I immediately feels someone holding me so close and tightly to himself. It didn't take me long to realize who was he. I turn behind and threw his hands off me.

"Get off me!" I screamed in anger , I stumbled as I speak due to aching pain down there.

"Nandini. Please listen to me." his voice came out as like a baby.

"How could you? Why did you do it?" I yelled on his face.

"How could you do this to me?" I cried again turning to face him, I grabbed his collar in my hand and pulled it,shaking as I cried.

"You destroyed me." I accused him and then brought my hand on my face to wipe off tears.

I had only taken a half step when he grabs my wrist ," Please, understand Nandini. I never want to hurt you! I had no choice. You were dying of cold and it was only way to help you. I just shared my body heat."

"Don't you try to fool me Manik! Body heats means sharing skin warmth and not to have sex with an unconscious wife. You took advantage of me." I had this enough , I am at the edge of breaking and he was responsible for it, how can he name his lust as care for me!

"Nandini, please don't misunderstand me. I really had no choice. We were wet and it still had rained and I had no dry clothes t help you. It was the only way to raise your body heat. I didn't do it with wrong intention in mind. I cant hurt you. Please believe me. I cant cheat you on this." His eyes pleaded me again and again while tears were clearly shimmering in his eyes.

"Why would you do that?" I said with a sarcastic remark and he stared at me in confusion.

"Yes Manik , why are you doing this? Earlier you didn't even cared about my presence around your room, in your own bed and now all of sudden you cared for my life. Hell with your excuses and explanation, I don't want to hear any. I am leaving right now. Dare you follow me." I warn him snapping my finger at him and leaves the place.

Manik stepped forward to hold me once more and I shrieked before he could touch me, " Please don't leave me Nandini . Try to understand me please. I care for you. I genuinely do! And I did this because-." He stopped before gulping in, tears were carelessly falling down his cheeks " because I LOVE YOU."


He just confessed! 😱

What'll he get in return, Nandu's special punch or a kiss ;))

Will she stay or leave ?

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