~ Chapter 7 ~ Kho Gaye

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He put down his fork at lunch as he stared at me. " Are you still mad about last night?"

This was when I finally killed one noodles with the fork and breathed heavily. God knows how I controlled myself from behaving like a killer for Manik. How can he expect me to not be angry at him? He practically forced on me, his wishes once again!

I shoot out a glare at him, while chewing the food in my mouth. He sighs as he watches me ignoring him. "Are we back to square one , once again?!" I find him muttering beneath his breathe and a waves of amusement washes over me. He is exactly copying my reaction in frustration.

He watches me some more before he sighs in defeat tone. He takes another bite of his salads and eats it quietly.
I didn't like the idea of him sharing my bed last night. I agree to the fact he doesn't look as much as a monster when he sleeps but still I didn't like him though. Because I know very well he is looking harmless only in his sleep, once he opens his eyes, the jillelahi' in him will be back again.

I finished my lunch and headed towards my room. Just when I am about to read some romantic book , my door gets open. Hey ! I clearly remember I have closed and locked my door. I whines like a 5 year old tapping my feet on floor.

"Hey, Sorry for this." And he comes once again. This time he has keys jingling in his hand and a apologetic look.

Now what does this blood sucking vampire want from me? I rolls my eyes heaven ward and keep the book aside.

"My door was locked." I points out as a matter of fact.

"And I have spare keys for every room." He also states like its so obvious to know, while grinning lika a fool. Ugh!! He is fueling me now! Damn.

"Oh yes, how can I forget that." I make a sarcastic remark then folds my hand and shoots him dagger through my eyes, " Let me change the question for you, why are you here?" I asks watching him intently.

Dare asks to share my room, you would regret to meet, Miss blackbelt Nandini Malhotra! I smirk on my own threatening.

"Pack your bags Nandini, we are going for the picnic today. Make sure you pack EVERY thing you need." What the hell he means by picnic. I am not going anywhere mister... Shoo! Away!

I opens my mouth to speak a word but he beats me to it, "You only got half hour. So get ready."he throws the missile and before I know he walks out of the room.
Ugh!! I hate him. I scream to the walls angrily.

I am in my room,Nope! I am not ready. Nor I am interested in his any stupid plans. He wished to go, let him go alone. He can't force me every time. Get a life dude. I am bride of a country who is in its 70th years of independence. I can make up my own decision.

I sit silently giving a little dosage time to time with motivational speeches when I hear loud footsteps climbing up the stair. Oh no! he is coming.

"Why are you not ready? We have long drive to go. Now get up and be quick" he is really behaving like 'Do as I say or else I will eat up up alive because I am a monster' type of thing. Ugh! This man. I cries feel pity for my own self.

Despite of all my attempts to not go with him, he makes me do as he says and gets all my stuffs ready to go in span of few minutes.
Now we both are standing at the entrance of this ridiculously big house. My bag is exactly besides his. Eew! I don't want his things to touch any thing that belongs to me. So I pull my bag and keeps it on other side of room. He sees me and rolls his eyes with a chuckle. What's so humorous about it now? Huh!

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