Miss Elory and Mr sheilds

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"Class take out your books please and turn to page 64" Miss Elory said. we had started to read when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

Mr shields walked in with a smile in his face "hello children" he says 'children were not kids were 1) and 17 hello I didn't know you were blind no affence but your age 24.

"Hello can please have Miss Elory"

"Um class I will be back in a sec"

They walked out the door.

30 minutes later

'Far out were are they' I thought to my self' that's it I'm gong to find them.

I walk out the door and look around for a while for a bit. then I walk into Mr shields office. I walk through the door, the room is empty but all I can here is a MWA kissing noise Wtf? I think to myself I look over the desk and guess what!. There's Miss Elory and Mr shields MAKING OUT behind the desk! "Ahh Shi" Miss Elory says before falling to the ground. Miss Elory's hair was a tangled up mess and her clothes ripped in some places and her breathe reeked of who knows what!

Then Mr shields stood up, His face was covered in red lipstick and his hair was also a tangled mess "hey Shi" he says while straightening out his tie and fixing up his hair.

I should have known from the very start both single hot teachers that like each other. "Well Shi are you coming to class" he says with a smile. I took one glance at Miss Elory before following Mr shields

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