chapter 16

693 70 11

' flowers blooming amidst '


Music is something Kaede can never be good at. Not only has she never learned to sing or play any sort of instrument, but her voice was a total cacophony of crickets and choking birds. That's why she can never appreciate the orchestra playing five hundred meters away from her and she wonders how her target could too.

It's a normal orchestra, that much she could say. Body parts that could manifest sounds akin to instruments, a flute mouth, strings for hair that could substitute harps and a sharp looking elbow that could be mistaken for a violin bow. All with the grand piano and the woman who had seven mouths all over her exposed body parts.

The performance ends and she claps along with the audience, not because she genuinely appreciates the performance, but because the performers look like they're desperate for it so why doesn't she just give them what they want?

Two eyes glance at one form- the target with his appearance similar to that of a pine tree with green leaves for hair and a bark like complexion. He's shaking hands with a little boy who appears to be fan, and Kaede fights the urge to vomit.

Misplaced trust indeed. If you only looked at that smiling face, polished suit and the squeaky clean reputation, you'd never figure that he was one of the most despicable type of human being in this planet. It made her hairs stand on edge just thinking about it and a distant memory tried to envelop her and while she welcomed memories now for they fueled her newly found ability, that certain memory was taboo.

Pandora's Box never meant to be opened.

A seven hundred and fifty two meters walk from the dome towards his house a quaint 950 square meters establishment with one floor, with a backyard sporting different breeds of roses (even Ecuadorian, it said in the report) and honeysuckles with ivies crawling up the Grecian columns and before the house was a lawn filled with Bermuda grass and pine trees, dotted with beautiful benches and a hammock made of weaved leaves.

It wasn't too colorful, but the man who lived inside it made Kaede think of the most repugnant thing in this planet, so after this mission- she groped for the lighter in her pockets- she'd burn him along with his pit.

He entered through the front door just like any normal person would do, discarded his tie, placed it on one of the metallic hooks (there were five she counted in all) and when he went to unbutton the first button at the top of his top (six buttons, she counted again), that was when she made her move.

Furtive as a fox, she made her way to him, kicked him in his family jewels and stabbed his two legs with a knife for good measure. Of course she'd know that they grown back quickly and that was why she tied him up, four knots in all. Wouldn't detain him forever, but gave enough time to access his computer upstairs and when she found the thing, she took the small crumpled note from her pocket. Length of three inches and width of two harboring instructions on how to open the electricity powered thing and go to the folder she'd needed to find.

Eyebrows furrowed at first, because first of all, she was horrible at gadgets and second, Tomura's handwriting was a bunch of gobbledygook if nothing else. The words he used was making her brain go haywire too, so it took five minutes, three hundred painful seconds for her to open the damn thing (it did not require a password, but Kaede was that horrible at using it).

Using the mouse, she went into File Explorer, then Videos and searched for the hidden files all according to Tomura's terribly written instructions. She felt that repulsive taste climbing into her esophagus as she saw the videos.

PAPER FLOWERS ( k. bakugou )Where stories live. Discover now