chapter 33

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' a series of failures '


Kaede has never wanted more than to be Akihisa Yuko at this very moment.

"You must be Mizuki Kaede?" the shaved guy asks as soon as the principal finishes explaining her task, disbelief still dripping from thousands of pores on her skin. His hands, they were huge, clasp at hers which were hanging lamely on her side and shakes them furiously. "I heard we were going to team up with another expert in the field. Boy, you're just my age! Nice to finally meet you."

If Akihisa Yuko is in this situation, she would put up the biggest, brightest smile, shake his hand in return and exchange pleasantries. Hell, they could be best friends in less than an hour. Only remaining problem in this solution is the fact that Kaede is not Akihisa Yuko. She is no sunshine or anything related to shining, so she only manages a pathetic smile and nods her head in acknowledgment.

"I'm Inasa Yoarashi by the way," he says and does another ninety degree bow that makes her flinch and take one step back. "First year student at Shinketsu High."

"I'm Kaede," she says warily, a little gleeful for this distraction. At least she can avoid eye contact with four other classmates from U.A., correction, four close classmates from U.A. with this exchange of pleasantry with the super-duper energetic boy.

"I know!" He reminds her of Kirishima and Iida. And a minuscule Bakugou thrown in for good measure, although with less of the profanities and his endearing traits.

"Yo fam," another voice says and she meets face to face with the familiar girl. She's probably from Shinketsu too what with the matching cap. "Your clothes are like matching. They're so lit like they're prison clothes or whatever. The blending has me shookt. Name's Caimie by the way, second year from Shinketsu."

A nod is her only response. They're probably uninformed that she's a prisoner, a villain and that's odd, because from what she can remember, Honoka's uncle had told her that the little girl found out of her true identity, because it was in the news. Both of them, especially the girl named Caimie seems caught up in the trends and whatever is on the Web right now, so it's a miracle they're unaware.

She feels a little selfish for wanting to keep it that way. It's a chance for normalcy. Of course that's interrupted in a heartbeat by Bakugou.

"Baldy,"- he looks at Inasa- "Illusion Lady," - at Caimie this time- "we're not here to make friends so stop the cringey hand gestures and conversations." He turns to the police next, and she can't believe he's doing that defiant pose in front of adults that are leagues above him. "Some brat's been kidnapped. If we'll all be chummy here and sip tea, she's probably dead by now. Let's go."

Fists clench beneath the mundane, slightly fringed prison uniform and Kaede manages a little defiance for his statement, meeting him eye to eye for the first time in a while. "Honoka's not going to die."

Surprisingly (or was it unsurprisingly?), Bakugou does not react. Just grits his teeth and the police are quick to lead them to a van that would take them to Kamino. As they gear up, with their costumes and the standard operating procedures explained to the heroes-in-training, Kaede changes into grey sweatpants, a white halter top and a marled cardigan provided by the police.

The next thing she knows, they're already heading towards Kamino, with her being in the most awkward position possible. Maybe this was the world's revenge to her days of flashing her middle finger at it. With her seated between the two people who she felt the most guilt towards.

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