chapter 36

587 67 31

' saving a life '


Akihisa Yuko abhors jeans. Or any type of pants for that matter. She prefers skirts and dresses, hating the way those pants cover up the skin where her legs meet. She also hates the short bob she has for a hairstyle. That one isn't her fault. During the training camp that U.A. conducted, she was vaguely aware that Mizuki Kaede cut it since it was getting in the way.

Yesterday, after her father was informed of all the current happenings in Yuko's life. Not to mention the fact that she also found her brother- half brother in his father's side- at the person of Inasa Yoarashi, she was delivered to a parlor (another thing Yuko hates because of the smell of chemicals) and had her already choppy hair cut to even shorter lengths. The silver grey thing was at the level of her ears and by the name of that parlor at stake, she looked like an armadillo!

"Akihisa, the room's ready?" the U.A. nurse asks, her face a mess. Sweat clings to her like a second skin and Yuko wrinkles her nose in disgust. No, not because of the sweet lady, but because of a janitor passing by them with his cleaning materials. Again, chemicals.

That's why she hates hospitals too. It's like the convention spot for chemicals that make Akihisa Yuko vomit. If only she didn't like Mizuki Kaede and didn't have to give her blood, she would be running out of this hospital faster than anyone could say blueberry waffles.

"Thanks for doing this, Yuko," that little girl with the prettier hair than Yuko says, hands on hers and she almost melts at those beautiful eyes.

Yuko places a hand over the girl's, a smile capturing her lips. She loves kids. Who doesn't? She loves how they're so positive—she calls them that, because she hates the word naïve too— how they cry almost all the time, how they complain. She loves everything about them and what they could represent.

For example, if she had a younger sister, that would represent the fact that her father loves her mother enough that they'd make a second child, or a third one, a fourth one, a fifth one too. With lots of triplets and twins, even quadruplets!

But that's naught, because at the end of the day, her mother is the mistress and she is the love child. Yoarashi Yuko. She'd never ever carry that name. She doesn't want to, because if she does, she'll be leaving her mother for good and Yuko will blow up the earth just for her mother. She loves the woman so much she'll probably sell her organs to keep her mother alive.

"No problem, lemon tart," she tells the girl, gives her a wink, and follows the elderly woman to the room where they collect blood.

At first, she's freaking out, because they're using a needle and Yuko doesn't hate needles, no, it's worse than that, she fears them, but she reminds herself that it's for Kaede. That shattered, lonely girl who she has to admit she really pities, but she figures Kaede will not be less grateful if Yuko chooses to save her out of pity.

Besides, there's also a little bit of like thrown to that mix. Damn, the girl can dress and her hair styles were rocking!— thanks to Honoka, she learned yesterday. Speaking of clothes, she misses going to those trendy thrift shops in shopping districts? How long has it been? Four, five years? Damn, she wants a top. A halter top probably, but it probably won't suit her and what was that? Oh. Those qualities. They're— the main reason why she chose to help—alike.

Not in the sense that she had a twisted, gothy past like Kaede, but in the sense that their parental figures (in the case of Yuko, one parental figure) didn't love them. Also, they're both beautiful and let's face it, of mediocre intellect. (Yuko remembers failing a 'basic' English class back in her elementary days.) That, and the girl saved her life. And she wants to be a hero and heroes save.

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