Chapter 3

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Inspirational quote of the day________________________________________Chapter 3

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Inspirational quote of the day
Chapter 3

"What a mess. Heck I'm a mess. Why has all my decisions this night been horrible" she thought letting out humorless laugh

An hour had passed. Dami had her her back against the wall, her head in her palms, nothing was working right, the night was becoming darker and colder, it was mid-autumn, the temperature kept dropping at a steady rate.

Dami was frantic. She had spent the past hour running, going back and forth looking desperately for a particular phone, she went had ran back to where she thought she lost it, the alley, nothing, retracing her footsteps was of little to no help. This was important, the phone was important. Her fingerprints were on it! How could she have been so careless, desperate to escape the gang members because she 'borrowed' for a bit to long, just to lose it within minutes.

"Pointless... all pointless. So stupid, dumb..." she murmured to herself, with annoyance. 

She sat still, for about four minutes, thinking of a plan, a next step, okay the phone is lost, somewhere. Her fingerprint is out there,

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