Yoongi: He would be very understanding. He would sit and talk with you about it, constantly reminding you that you are beautiful. He would lay you down on the bed and kiss every single stretch mark. He wouldn't care if it took him a few minutes or a few hours. He just wanted to make sure you felt loved and beautiful.
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Jimin: He would also be understanding. He would hold you in his lap and play with your hair and kiss your shoulder. He would always either be kissing you or rubbing your back to let you know that hes always there. He would stay with you for as long as you needed him to and list tons of things of why your beautiful and why he loves you.
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Jin: He was very upset that you felt this way about your stretch marks. He kept telling you that they are normal and that you shouldn't be ashamed of them. Each day for the next month, he would write notes and place them all around the apartment saying things like, "I love you!" Or "Youre beautiful! Dont forget it!"
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Jungkook: This baby wouldn't really know how to deal with it. He would sit beside you on the bed and put you on his chest and listen to you. He wouldn't know what to say but he would try to help through physical contact like kissing you and rubbing your back.
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Namjoon: Serious Namjoon=On. He takes insecurities very seriously. Not that the others dont but he would take it more maturely. He would talk it out with you and lean you into his chest and speak to you in a low whisper making you feel more safe. He would then lay you on the bed and cuddle with you and kiss you until you fell asleep.
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Hoseok: Once he listened to you talk he would feel upset. You make him happy and seeing you feel this way about yourself would make his world stop. He would comfort you and give you endless compliments. He would then try and get you to laugh. Once he saw you crack a small smile, he would sigh of content. He would hold you close to him until you fell asleep.
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Taehyung: He would be heart broken. Like Hoseok, you make him happy. He would bring you out to the living room and watch a movie with you. He would make you lay under him so he can lay his head on your stomach or chest so he can see you at all times. He would lift up your shirt and kiss all your stretch marks and remind you how beautiful you are.
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