A/N - its currently 2:00am and i can't sleep because i slept literally all day so i thought i'd write the second part now
jimin - you were at your desk in your bedroom working on an assignment due in two days. normally, you wouldn't stress over a project like this but your partner got sick and it's worth 20% of your grade. you scrolled on a website for what seemed like 20 minutes, still not being able to process any of the information. why biology?! you just weren't good at it. you heard jimin laugh from the other room. he was recording a v-live, probably talking about how the members bully him or what he ate that day. you wanted to go in and sit with him because he has a power to cure your stress but you knew if you walked in both you, jimin and the company would get in trouble. you sat there for another hour or so trying to figure out what you were reading but you just couldn't! it made no sense! you left the room to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water to try and calm down. you stood infront of the sink and began to shake. before you knew it, you were crying. you put your hands on the counter, trying to steady yourself as sob after sob came out of your already tired body. you felt a pair of arms wrap around your mid section and you tensed slightly but immediately relaxed once you smelled the calming scent of your boyfriend. "what's wrong?" he asked quietly. you turned around to hug him, placing your head in his neck and cried. you didn't even try to answer the question. he calmingly rubbed your back while whispering reassuring phrases into your ear. after a while, you pulled back and he wiped your tears oh so gently with his thumbs. "what's wrong, my love?" he asked again. "i'm just stressed. i have a project due in a couple of days and my partner got really sick which left me with all the work and i don't understand it and," you sighed. "i'm just stressed is all. sorry to bother you. i didn't mean for you to stop your v-live." he pulled you close to him once again. "don't apologize for being stressed. im sorry for not noticing earlier. it's my job to help you and keep you happy. i can help you write the paper or i can get namjoon to help. is there anything else i can do?" you shook your head. "i just need you. thank you, jimin." he kissed the top of your head gently. you could feel his leps turn into a smile. "my pleasure."
taehyung - it's been almost 3 weeks since you've seen him. you had to fly all the way to america (if you're from america just pretend you flew to like france or something idfk) for a meeting with your business. during that time, you were 1. very sleep deprived because you don't travel too often. 2. stressed because of all the presentations and stats you had to memorize and 3. sad becasue you haven't seen your boyfriend in so long. after what seemed like years you were finally back on the plane to go back home. you didn't sleep on the plane because you were scared of heights and you just couldn't sleep in moving vehicles. after 8 hours, you arrived at the airport. you looked everywhere for taehyung, desperate to hold him again. "y/n!" you heard the deep voice yell your name. you turned around and saw a tall man with a goofy smile that you called your boyfriend run at you. you ran towards him jumped in his arms and held him close. "i missed you." you said, tears forming in your eyes. "i missed you too, love." he set you down and grabbed your hand and walked you to the uber outside. you both sat in the back and you put your head on his shoulder. "tired?" he asked, rubbing circles in your palm with his fingers. "mhm." you managed to muster. "he laughed quietly. "try to get some sleep. i will wake you up when we get back to the apartment." he moved his arm so he could wrap it around you, still holding your hand. although you didn't sleep on the way back, you still felt warm, safe and happy. once you got back, he gently woke you up and you walked up to your apartment. you saw the dog you didn't know you missed until now. you pat his head and went to the bedroom to get changed into something more comfy. you heard a knock on the bedroom door and before you could answer, taehyung barged in with the biggest blanket he could find. he wrapped you in it and laid you on the bed, him laying beside you. you told him about the meeting and he told about his life while you were away. "and then jungkook and i had to b-" he looked down and saw your head on his chest, breathing deeply and slowly. he put his hand in your hair soothingly waved his fingers through it he held you closer to him. "i'm glad you're finally getting sleep. I love you, y/n." he whispered into your hair. and with that you both fell asleep in each others arms, letting the cool air of the night surround you.
jungkook - you've been sick for about a week now. sneezing, coughing, sore throat, nausea, you name it. you've been stuck in bed for almost this whole time except for when jungkook convinced you to go out and get at least 10 minutes of fresh air. you've been trying to sleep for the past 24 hours but you havne't been able to. the symptoms of your cold made it nearly impossible to do. you drank some of your tea, went to the bathroom and tried to sleep again but it didn't work. you could hear jungkook shouting in the living room. he was probably playing overwatch with taehyung and amber. you wrapped yourself up in your favourite blanket and waddled out into the living room. yep, thats about what you expected. jungkook sat in the middle of the floor, his hair a mess, water bottles everywhere and him staring intensly at the screen infront of him. after watching him for a while, he eventually died and looked over at you. "ah! y/n! did i wake you up? im sorry if i did." you smiled fondly at him. "no you didn't. infact, i haven't been able to sleep for almost a full day." he walked up to you and wrapped you in a tight hug and kissed your forehead. "im sorry, angel. i'll go get you some more medicine and some sleeping pills." you nodded weekly and followed him to the kitchen and sat on the counter. he brought you 5 pills and and some liquid medicine. you scrunched your nose at the liquid medicine and heard jungkook laugh at how cute you looked. "i know you hate it but this is probably the only stuff that will actually work." you sighed and took the medicine. you pretned to gag at the taste and jungkook laughed and picked you up, bringing you to the couch. he laid down and put you on top of him, holding you close. he rubbed your back soothingly and kissed your forehead, trying to make you forget about the war going on inside you. "do you want me to run you a bath or something?" he asked after minutes of comfortable silence. "no it's ok. i feel better now that you're here." you moved closer to him, kissing his cheek lightly. he scrunched his nose and kissed you back, wrapping his arms around you tighter. "cutie." he whispered to himself.