namjoon As Your Boyfriend (1/7)

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•ok so lets just say
•hes gonna turn into a big pile of mush
•he may be the badass rapper and leader but
•when hes with you
•instant fluff
•a lot of studio dates
•like you will just sit in his lap while he writes lyrics
•they're mainly about you
•you always fall asleep in his lap
•and he feels like the proudest boyfriend
•look she trusts me enough to sleep on my lap look at her
•doesnt really show too much affection outside of the house
•he might hold your hand
•or have his hand on your thigh
•or knee
•but thats it
•inside tho
•oh honey
•he will literally back hug you everywhere you go
•you will be cooking and he will come up behind you and kiss your neck
•you start to get annoyed because you cant move
•but that makes him want to stay
•because he thinks its cute when you're mad
•also he LOVES giving you neck kisses
•he also likes cuddling
•a lot more than you would expect
•he likes having you on his chest
•he likes feeling close to you
•you guys usually talk about random shit
•or deep shit when you cuddle
•he just loves you a lot
•hes also kinda protective too
•not to the point where he's literally glued to your side
•or if you're talking to one of your guy friends
•he just doesn't like when you go to clubs and stuff
•or if you go somewhere and want him to stay home
•then he gets suspicious
•but he still trusts you
•it just gets on his mind
•hes also a great listener
•if something is wrong then he will listen to you for as long as you need him to
•hes really supportive???
•like you could be cooking and he would be in the back all like
•"yeah you got this!"
•or studying and he will be like
•"look at you go! you're so smart you're gonna whoop that exams ass!"
•but also v caring
•like if you're studying too much he will pull you away and just cuddle with you so you can relax
•or if you're stressed then he will massage your shoulders
•just an overall amazing boyfriend pls protect him

(I'm going to be doing these for each of the members just to kinda spice up the book plus I literally have no ideas so yeAH COOL)

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