yoongi as your boyfriend (2/7)

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yoongi as your boyfriend
•alright so uh
•he isnt really the type to show affection that often because he even said he is bad with expressing his emotions
•so he would be more of the quiet lover
•he would show his love through the little things
•like cooking food for you in the morning for breakfast in bed
•or tucking you in if you fall asleep on the couch
•im not saying he wont say i love you
•he will
•just not as often
•but dont get me wrong he loves you a hell of a lot
•he would be the guy who would have a stronger love connection emotionally instead of physically
•he does love cuddles tho but like shhhhh
•he is most cuddly in the morning
•if you wake up before lets say 11:00am
•you're staying there with him
•like he will whine and pull you back to bed and just cuddle you and be all pouty if you try to leave:((
•if you're having a tough time he will get cuddly too
•like he'll probably pull you in his lap and put your head either on his chest or shoulder or the crook of his neck
•and rub your back under your shirt
•and probably kiss your face a lot
•he hates seeing you sad:((
•also did i mention how frequent his gummy smile will appear?
•you could literally just sneeze and he would be all like
•please protect his heart:(

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