Chapter Two: Meet Toby

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Hello my glorious wolf-pack! It's Livi here, 1/2 of Haylzzindasky! This is chapter two of YouTube adventures, and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below and of course voting! Thanks again, now let's get to the book! ~

Toby’s POV (Tobuscus):

I look out of the plane’s window, letting out a sigh. My iPod blares through my earplugs blocking out the sounds of the crying babies and fat pigs around me. Oh, how I hate planes. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love life and am usually a very optimistic person (You know, cup half full stuff) but moving to a new country- better yet, to a BOARDING SCHOOL- kind of gets my spirits a little down. It didn’t help that the man sitting next to me is a little airsick and starts to projectile vomit all over the place. (BTW That should be illegal) Ah, yes. Next stop America.

After three hours of fun with miserable passengers, the flight attendant finally tells us to board the next plane or, in her words, ‘To get out of our faces’. I grab my suitcases and my PRECIOUS guitar case and leave the airport in search of a taxi. The Ön Cső School for Gifted Youngsters here we come. 

Jack’s POV (Jacksfilms):

I sit in the back of the taxi, heading towards the place of the devil-high school. Seeing the school sign in front of me I quickly gather my things and exit the cab, almost forgetting to pay the driver. He taps me on the shoulder causing me to drop everything, and letting my backpack fly open. I gasp before gathering as many things as I can and start putting them back into random bags. The driver starts getting impatient with me (Not my fault I’m clumsy!) so I grabbed my wallet from under the mess and handed him a $50. He then proceeded to drive away with my change, meaning I have to skip lunch today. Hooray me.

I run back to my spread-out luggage and started packing rapidly. While putting a few of my custom-shirts in my bags, I hear muffled laughter coming in my direction. Meaning someone must be coming. Ew no!

Fearing the worst I grab my bags leaving the unpacked things behind and run towards the front gate of the school. Once inside the grand hall I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Boy, that was close! Well, I can’t go back now, guess I’ll have to go to my dorm. Taking out my iPhone I get the student portal out before typing in my identification. Turns out this year I had a roommate from overseas. 

Jack Douglass DOU0076

Dorm 12B with Toby Turner (Overseas)

Well, looks like this Toby and I could be great friends. (Author: Maybe more~) 

I arrive at 12B and put my bags down. Finally, that stuff was hea-vy! I open my backpack to find my student card (In this system your student I.D has a barcode that opens your dorm door) but it was empty. Where could it be? In a slight panic, I start frantically searching my bags in case I put it in the wrong place. WHERE IS IT!? It then dawns on me. I must’ve left it on the side of the road! I am dead meat!!!


Hearing my name I turn around only to see the definition of sophisticated grace- all in all, the cutest boy you could ever meet. He must’ve seen my facial expression and though of it as confusion, because he apologises and starts walking away. To stop him I grab his wrist and immediately I felt sparks, electricity. He must’ve felt it too because the boy stopped dead in his tracks. I turned to face him before confirming his suspicions.   

“Hi, I’m Jack, just Jack.”

The boy’s relief starts to show, followed by happiness as he said;

“The name’s Bond. James Bond.”

We both crack up laughing, high fiving each-other like you would if someone did something world applauding. We died down, before the boy smiled and said;

“But, really, I’m Toby. However everyone calls me TOBUSCUS!!!”

I smiled at Toby, before remembering what I was about to ask him.

“Actually, how did you know my name?”

Toby looks confused, before smiling even wider and letting out a giggle. My heart skips a beat at this heavenly sound. 

“Yeah, I got out of my cab and found your student I.D lying in a pair of underwear. I’m guessing these are yours too.”

Toby then proceeds to hand me my student I.D and the…underwear…I left on the road. I blush a deep crimson as Toby started laughing like a maniac. Minutes later, I join in, before opening our shared room and unpacking.

One thing was for sure: This year was going to be great for me and for Toby.

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