Chapter 3

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This is sincere wanting and desperation, I want to hold my baby in my arms. Just the thought of it scares the hell out of me but knowing that it's a girl, I want to hold my little girl. I want to have her home and with Dom and I. It's important to me to know that I can do it, that everything that I told Mia that she could do I can be capable of doing as well.

As soon as we finished showering we went back to the room, as soon as I touched my bed I was out like a light. Next morning when I woke up everyone was still sleeping so I decided to make a huge breakfast, one of my famous breakfast's to thank everyone.

A look through my freezer, refrigerator and cabinets helped me decide. I know what everyone likes so I'm making an assortment of crepes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and homefries to tickle everyone's fancy. While I cooked I picked on a little bit of everything I was using: bacon, sausage, cheese, fruits and homefries. I kept feeling these twinges in my back but it's nothing, it's not time yet.

It didn't take long for people to start filtering down the stairs as the scents started to waft around the house. I was greeted by sleepy smiles and thumbs up from the guys, Han and Cara came down together and the blush on her face was ridiculously funny. I placed all of the food buffet style on the island and placed paper plates, utensils and napkins so that everyone could grab their own and serve themselves.

"God I missed your cooking. Dom man if she was down for the idea I'd try to steal her just for how amazing a cook she is." Roman said with his mouth full of food.

"I'd never let that happen." Dom countered.

"That would never happen." I said.

"I said if she was down for the idea. You're amazing woman!"

"Thank you, now tell me something I don't know sweetie." I said, patting his cheek.

"There she is." Brian said.

"I've never left, I'm gonna go to the living room and sit down for awhile." I told them.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Cara asked.

"Please, she's been eating since she started cooking." Tej said.

"Guilty, I've been picking and I ate when Dom came down before everyone else. I'm good."

In the living room I could hear everyone talking in the kitchen and it made me smile. Mia walked into the room and sat down next to me, putting her hand over mine on my leg.

"Happy sounds aren't they?" she asked.

"They really are, I didn't think we'd be here again. Those are happy family sounds and even though it's not the original family, it's still family. It's our family and I wouldn't change them for anything in the world."

"Me neither, we'll miss them forever, it's just part of life. They'll be a part of us forever because they loved us."

"Mia did anyone ever find out what happened to Leon? Was there ever any information on him, I mean after everything went down he just disappeared. I tried looking for him but I found nothing."

"I don't know, we never found him but there were never any death records either so he's out there somewhere."

"You think he's seen us on tv?"

"Absolutely, he's seen us and he's laughed at how stupid we've been. Probably making some stupid remark, not probably, definitely making a bunch of stupid remarks."

"That's Leon, he has a horde of sarcastic and stupid comments. It makes him special, I hope he's found happiness and that's why he hasn't come back. I just miss him so much, he and I . . ."

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